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《灵界经历》 第3177节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3177

3177. The Lord rules the human race in the very least things

All things in my previous life have been governed by the Lord. This was plain to me from the things brought out regarding my earlier life, but even more plainly from him who was discussed above [3135-3141, 3149-3150, 3153], who was the most foolhardy of all. The governance of his life was examined, who, if he had not been held back to almost the same degree by outer restraints on account of outstanding fame and glory of his name above others, he would have become excremental beyond others, for only this restraint was such, so he was led by the Lord. This was shown, seen, confirmed by angels.

It was likewise shown today, as I was able to discern clearly by a spiritual mental image: if he had not been restrained in this way from the love of women, also from intoxicating drink, so that he drank simple water, then he would have so fallen as to turn out the most excremental. 1748, 16 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3177


That everything in my previous [past] [anteactoe] life, has been governed by the Lord, could be evident to me, from those things which were brought forth [displayed] concerning my past life: but still more plainly from him of whom [mention was made] previously, who was the most audacious of all: the governance of his life was examined. He, had he not been so detained in a nearly similar degree, in external bonds, as respects reputation of his name, and pre-eminent glory as compared with others, would have become excrementitious above all [others], for it was only such [a bond] that restrained him: thus was he led by the Lord, as was shown, seen [and] confirmed by the angels. In like manner, it was today demonstrated, as I could plainly perceive in spiritual idea, that unless he had been so detained from love of women; also from intoxicating drink, so as to have drunk simply water, he would then have so fallen, as to have existed [as] an exceedingly excrementitious [principle]. 1748, September 16.

Experientiae Spirituales 3177 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3177. Quod Dominus regat humanum genus in singularissimis

Quod omnia vitae meae anteactae a Domino gubernata sint, ab iis quae producta sunt, de vita anteacta mea constare mihi potuit; sed adhuc manifestius ex eo, de quo prius [3135-3141, 3149-3150, 3153], qui omnium maxime temerarius fuit, ejus vitae gubernatio examinata est, qui nisi ita in externis vinculis propter sui nominis famam et gloriam praeeminentem prae aliis detentus in simili fere gradu fuisset, excrementitium factus fuisset prae omnibus, nam unice [id] quo coercebatur erat tale, ita ductus est a Domino, quod ostensum, visum, confirmatum ab angelis; similiter hodie demonstratum, quod percipere manifeste potui in idea spirituali, nisi is ita detentus fuisset, a faeminino amore, tum a potu inebriante, sic ut meram aquam bibisset, tunc lapsus ita fuisset, ut maximum excrementitium exstitisset. 1748, 16 Sept.

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