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《灵界经历》 第3178节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3178

3178. About things of the will not of the act

Certain spirits, as before [Matt. 5:28]. 1748, 16 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3178


Certain spirits, as was previously the case, wish to be justified because they have done no evil, although they have thought [it]: wherefore it was insinuated into me, that the matter stands thus, that whatever comes into [enters] the thought [and] not into the will, this is not a sin: then if [it comes] [enters] into the will or [what is] like the will, and he thinks that this is a sin, contrary to the Lord's word, [and] will burden [his] conscience, and so shakes it off: this also cannot be a sin, but [is] a temptation. But if anything comes into [enters] the thought, and the will, so that he desires to cause only that external bonds may not hinder, this is a sin: like as the Lord says, he who looks on a girl with lust, has already committed whoredom. - 1748, September 16.

Experientiae Spirituales 3178 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3178. De iis quae sunt voluntatis non actus

Quidam spiritus, ut prius [3169-3171], volunt justificari quia nihil mali egerunt, tametsi cogitarunt, quare mihi insinuatum est, quod res ita se habeat, quod quicquid venit in cogitationem, non voluntatem, hoc non peccatum est, tum si in voluntatem, seu voluntatis simile, et cogitet quod hoc peccatum sit, contra Domini Verbum, gravaturum conscientiam, et sic discutitur, hoc nec peccatum esse potest, sed tentatio: at si quid in cogitationem venit, et in voluntatem, quod efficere cupiat, modo externa vincula non impediunt, hoc peccatum est; sicut Dominus dicit, qui puellam libidine intuetur, jamdum scortatus est [Matth. V: 28-]. 1748, 16 Sept.

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