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《灵界经历》 第3179节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3179

3179. On inward punishments, and others

They who have thought differently than they have done, and have prevented themselves from doing because of outer restraints, and so have exercised their thoughts, thus giving them active life, in the other life are also tormented by the punishment of dismemberment by thoughts, so that inner thoughts fight with silent outer ones, as I have learned from myself when I was afflicted for a long time in such thinking by struggle and dismemberment; besides these also by other punishments, such as shame and the like. 1748, 16 Sept. To those who are overcome with shame, a head appears, nodding frontwards. 1748, 16 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3179


(They who have thought other than they did, and have prevented themselves from acting by [ex] external bonds, and so have exercised their thoughts, and thus have given these active life, these in the other life are also tormented, by a punishment of discerption by means of thoughts, so that interior thoughts combat [pugnent] with exterior tacit [thoughts] like as I have learned, when long in such thought that I was exercised [agerer] with strife [pugna] and discerption: also with other punishments besides, as shame and the like. - 1748, September 16. To those who are overwhelmed with shame, there appears a head nodding in front. - 1748, September 16).

Experientiae Spirituales 3179 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3179. De poenis interioribus et aliis

Qui aliud cogitarunt quam egerunt, seque agere impediverunt ex vinculis externis, et sic cogitationes suas exercuerunt, eisque vitam activam sic dederunt, ii in altera vita etiam cruciantur supplicio discerptionis per cogitationes, sic ut interiores cogitationes pugnent cum exterioribus tacitis, sicut a me didici cum diu tali cogitatione pugna et discerptione agerer; praeterea etiam aliis poenis, sicut pudore, et similibus. 1748, 16 Sept. Qui pudore suffunduntur, iis caput apparet antrorsum nutans. 1748, 16 Sept.

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