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《灵界经历》 第3180节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3180

3180. Some spirits, or societies of spirits, cannot go around in the next purer aura

It happened when I was speaking with spirits that I seemed to myself to take away the grosser aura, as is done by a spiritual custom not understandable to man, and when the grosser aura was thus taken away, then spirits at a distance toward the front began to lament that now they could not be present, so they fled away. And this is also one kind of dispersion of spirits, like the east wind [see 2121-2127, 2972]. 1748, 16 Sept.

By removal, as of a shadow or a rather thick cloud, is meant that there are societies of this region that flee away. This is so portrayed that at the time I cannot tell but that it is a kind of dispersion of shadow. It has quite often been done by me before when I was being led to more serene and purer qualities of the senses and of the understanding.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3180


It happened when I spoke with spirits, that I seemed to remove [subtrahere] from myself a sphere of a grosser sort, as is done in a spiritual manner, which man cannot understand: and when the grosser sphere was thus removed, then spirits at a distance in front began to lament that thus they could not be present: wherefore they fled away: and this also is one kind of dispersion of spirits, as is the east wind [another]. - 1748, September 16. By removal [subtractionem] as it were of shade or a grosser cloud [nimbus], it is understood that there are societies of such a region, that fly away; this is so represented: so that I did not then know other than that it is some sort of dispersion of shade which was often done by me previously, when I was brought to severer and purer [things] of the senses and understanding.

Experientiae Spirituales 3180 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3180. Quod quidam spiritus seu societates spirituum in sphaera proxime 1

puriore non versari possint

Contigit, cum loquerer cum spiritibus, quod subtrahere mihi viderer sphaeram crassiorem, ut fit more spirituali, qui non intelligibilis esse potest homini, cumque sic subtraheretur sphaera crassior, tunc spiritus ad distantiam antrorsum incipiebant lamentari, quod sic interesse nequirent, quare aufugiebant, et hoc quoque est unum genus discutiendi spiritus, ut ventus orientalis [vide 2121-2127, 2972]. 1748, 16 Sept.

Per subtractionem sicut umbrae vel nimbi crassioris intelligitur quod sint societates talis regionis qui 2

aufugiunt, hoc ita repraesentatur, sic ut non aliter tunc sciam 3

, quam quod sit aliqua umbrae discussio; quod saepius a me factum prius, cum ad sereniora et puriora sensuum et intellectus adducerer.


1. The Manuscript has proxime

2. sic manuscript

3. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition tum scirem

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