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《灵界经历》 第3181节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3181

3181. About dreams, how and by whom they are produced

By much experience I have been taught how dreams are produced, and which spirits produce them. I was in a wakeful state, and another was in a state of sleep, or asleep. I was then a spirit so to speak with spirits, and so I was allowed to be among those spirits who introduce dreams, and I also was allowed to introduce dreams, and that this was so I learned from experience, for the other woke up three or four times after the dreams introduced by me, and then I told them, and they were acknowledged. The ones I was allowed to introduce were lovely and pleasant.

Then I was instructed by actual experience who those were who introduced dreams, and how. It was done by symbolic displays intended to delight the sleeper, and they are the ones whose duty it is to keep watch over mankind lest they be attacked by evil spirits while sleeping. This duty they carry out while awake, with the greatest enjoyment, so that there is rivalry as to who of them may be present. And because they are good spirits, they love those dreams that are most pleasant and delightful to [the sleeper].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3181


(I have learned by much experience, how dreams are produced, and what spirits produce them. When in a state of wakefulness, and when another [was] in a state of sleep, or in sleep, I was then as it were a spirit in company with spirits: and thus it was granted to me to be present with those spirits who introduce dreams, and it was also granted me to introduce dreams; and that it was so I have learned from experience, inasmuch as another waked up, three or four times, after dreams were introduced by me, and I then related the things [of his dream] which he acknowledged. It was granted me to introduce such things as were delightful and pleasant. I was then instructed by living experience, who they were that introduced dreams and how. It occurred by means of representations, for the end that the sleeper might be delighted, and there are those whose office it is to watch over man, when he sleeps, that he may not be infested by evil spirits. They discharge this office in wakefulness with the greatest delight, so that they strive [aemulentur] which of them may be present; and because they are good spirits, they love those things which are most pleasant and delightful to those [asleep].)

Experientiae Spirituales 3181 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3181. De somniis, quomodo et a quibus producuntur 1

Per experientiam plurem edoctus, quomodo somnia producuntur, et quinam spiritus ea 2

producunt; eram in statu vigiliae, et alius in statu somni seu in somno, eram tunc spiritus quasi cum spiritibus, et sic datum mihi interesse iis spiritibus, qui somnia introducunt, et datum quoque est mihi somnia introducere, et quod ita esset, edoctus ab experientia, quia alter expergiscebatur 3

ter quaterve post somnia a me introducta, et tunc 4

memorabam ea, quae agnoscebantur; quae mihi introducere dabatur erant amoena et jucunda. Instruebar tunc viva experientia quinam essent qui somnia introducebant, et quomodo, fiebat per repraesentationes, ob finem ut dormiens delectaretur, suntque ii quibus munus vigilandi super hominem, ne a malis spiritibus infestetur, cum dormit; hoc munus obeunt, in vigilia, cum summa delectatione, sic ut aemulentur, quinam eorum adesse possint; et quia boni spiritus, amant ea quae jucundissima et delitiosissima iis sunt.


1. supra caput scriptum apparet manu B. Chastanier vide etiam no. 3380. 3381.

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has eos

3. The Manuscript has expersicebatur

4. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition tum

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