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《灵界经历》 第3184节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3184

3184. Moreover there are other spirits who occupy the province of the left side of the thorax and chest, of whom I was sensorially aware at that same time, by whom those higher up are disquieted, for they want to be among them. But because they are envious and desirous of taking possession, they are not allowed any higher than the upper ribs. Otherwise, the more they are permitted to act and to attack the ones higher up, the more the dreams are troubled, and of no value.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3184

3184. There are other spirits besides, who occupy the province of the thorax or left breast, whom I also sensibly perceived at the same time; by whom those superior [upper] [spirits] are infested: for they wish to be present: but because they are envious and such as desire to possess those things, they are not permitted [to go] higher than to the upper ribs: otherwise the more they are permitted to act, and infest the superior [upper] [spirits], so far are dreams troublesome and of no account.

Experientiae Spirituales 3184 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3184. Praeterea sunt alii spiritus, qui occupant thoracis seu pectoris sinistri provinciam, quos quoque percipiebam sensibiliter eodem tempore; a quibus superiores illi infestantur, nam interesse volunt, verum quia sunt invidi, et tales ut possidere ea cupiant, non altius permittuntur quam ad superiores costas; aliter quo plus iis agere et infestare superiores permittitur, in tantum somnia sunt molesta, et nullius rei.

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