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《灵界经历》 第3185节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3185

3185. There are other spirits round about who also desire to attack them, but the good spirits do not fear them, and disperse everything belligerent just like that. So there are as it were battles and victories. All this also made it evident to me how evil spirits strive to attack a sleeping person, and how the Lord at every moment is protecting every human being. 1748, 17 Sept.

3185. 1/2. They said also that they could introduce sleep 1whenever they wanted, which was shown by experience, but it was said, when it was allowed, thus [it was] not from them.


1. Somnum, "sleep," in the autograph, possibly for somnium, "a dream."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3185

3185. There are other spirits around about, who also desire to infest them, but good spirits do not fear them, and so disperse such things as infest, so that there are, as it were, conflicts [pugnae] and victories. From which it could also be evident to me, how evil spirits contend to infest man when he is asleep, and how the Lord every moment guards every man. - 1748 September 17.)

3185 1/2. (They also said that they could introduce sleep, whenever they wished, which was shown by experience; but it was said [that they could do so] when [it was] allowed: thus (that it did not originate) from them.)

Experientiae Spirituales 3185 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3185. Sunt alii spiritus circum circa qui etiam infestare eos cupiunt, sed boni spiritus eos non timent, et sic discutiunt talia quae infestantia sunt, sic ut sint 1

quasi pugnae et victoriae; ex quibus etiam mihi constare potuit, quomodo spiritus mali infestare contendunt hominem, cum dormit, et quomodo Dominus quolibet momento hominem unumquemvis tutatur. 1748, 17 Sept.

3185a. Dicebant etiam quod introducere somnum 1

possent, quandocunque vellent, quod experientia ostensum, sed dictum, quando concessum, sic non ab iis.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has sit

1. ?

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