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《灵界经历》 第3186节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3186

3186. About those deceitful ones who do not care for inward things

About those who do not care for inward things, discussed earlier, nos. 1177 to 1189, for reasons discussed there: some of those who were more deceitful craftily sneaked into the company of angelic spirits, so that before the angelic spirits knew it, they had slipped into their company.

This was noticed due to an inanimate, snowy something that was seen round them. So a signal was given to the angelic spirits by means of their mental images, and those who caught it, attempting to withdraw themselves, were then freed from thence, and those who had sneaked in were cast down, and in fact, by a way across the provinces of the body's internal organs- which ones I do not know, but downwards, toward the urinous parts that are below man, between both feet-the deeper, the more urinous, for they love such things. 1748, 17 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3186


[I spoke] concerning those who do not care for interior things, of whom [mention has been] previously [made] in No. 1177 to 1189 (who are of such a character) for reasons there [given]. Certain of those who were of the more deceitful sort, craftily insinuated themselves into the company of angelic spirits, so that the angelic spirits were ignorant [thereof] before they inserted themselves into their companies as was perceived from this, that a certain snowy inanimate [principle] was perceived around; wherefore the proof was given [indicium factum] to angelic spirits by means of the ideas of these [deceitful spirits]: they [who] perceived this, but endeavored to steal away: hence also were liberated, and it was insinuated unto them, [were] cast down, yea by a way across the provinces of the viscera of the body, with which [provinces] I was not acquainted, still downwards, to the urinous [things] which are beneath man, between each foot; the deeper, the more urinous; for they love such things. - 1748, September 17.

Experientiae Spirituales 3186 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3186. De iis qui interiora non curant, dolosis

De iis qui interiora non curant, de quibus prius n. 1177 ad 1189, ex causis de quibus ibi: quidam 1

eorum qui dolosiores erant, se insinuabant subdole in spirituum angelicorum 2

consortium, sic ut spiritus angelici nescirent, antequam se inseruerint eorum consortiis, quod 3

perceptum, ex eo quod niveum quoddam non animatum circum perciperetur, quare spiritibus angelicis per eorum ideas indicium factum; qui perceperunt hoc, se subducere conantes, inde quoque liberati, et insinuatores isti dejecti, et quidem per viam trans viscerum corporis provincias, quas non novi, usque deorsum, ad urinosa, quae sunt infra hominem inter utrumque pedem, quo profundius eo urinosius, nam talia amant. 1748, 17 Sept.


1. The Manuscript has ibi; quidam

2. The Manuscript has angelorum

3. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition: "quod pro quae"

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