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《灵界经历》 第3187节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3187

3187. On martyrdom

I spoke with spirits about martyrdoms, because several have claimed, because they were martyrs and decorated with the crown of martyrdom, that they should therefore have dominion above others. I had previously been prompted to say to them, and now have brought forward and suggested that those who place merit in them and consequently want to dominate in heaven, are not true martyrs. For this is not heavenly, or an expression of true faith

It was further said that there are many kinds of martyrdoms, such as that of the Quakers, and others, so that every heresy is able to have its own martyrs. Those who have a conviction want, even desire, to undergo death on behalf of their convictions, however fantastic they are. In monasteries dedicated to saints, how many martyrizations are not depicted, some of whom were then made saints?

To illustrate, I was also prompted to say that for the sake of women for whom they had been smitten by love, many have undergone torments, dangers, and death, as is well known to everyone.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3187


I spoke with spirits concerning martyrdoms, because some have alleged, that because [they were] martyrs, and adorned with the crown of martyrdom, that they therefore should have preference over others; to whom it was granted to say previously, and is now here announced and insinuated, that they who place merit in these things, and so desire to have preference in heaven, are not true martyrs: because such is not heavenly, or [a property] of true faith. Moreover it was said that many kinds or martyrdoms occur [dentur] to wit, [those] of Quakers and others, so that every heresy can have its martyrs, for they who persuade themselves are willing, yea desire to undergo death for their persuaded [phantasies] whatever they are; in monasteries [erected] for sake of the saints, how many painted martyrdoms exist, some of whose [victims] were thence sainted; and that it may be illustrated, it was also granted to say, that many have undergone torments, dangers, and death, for sake of women, with whose love they were smitten; as may be known to everyone.

Experientiae Spirituales 3187 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3187. De martyriis

Loquutus cum spiritibus, de martyriis, quia aliqui praetenderunt, quia martyres, et corona martyrii ornati, quod ideo aliis praedominarentur; quibus dicere datum prius, nunc hic allatum et insinuatum quod ii qui meritum in iis ponunt, et sic cupiunt praedominari in coelo, quod non veri martyres sint; quia tale non est coeleste, aut verae fidei: praeterea dictum, quod plura genera martyriorum dentur, sicut Quakerianorum, et aliorum, sicut unaquaevis haeresis, possit habere suos martyres, nam qui sibi persuadent, ii mortem pro persuasis suis, quaecunque phantasiae sunt, subire volunt, imo cupiunt: in monasteriis pro sanctis, quot non exstant pictae martyrisationes, quorum quidam inde sanctificati? utque 1

illustraretur, dicere etiam datum, quod pro mulieribus, quarum amore perciti sunt, plures cruciatus, pericula et mortem subiverint; quod cuivis notum esse potest.


1. The Manuscript has sanctificate: utque

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