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《灵界经历》 第3188节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3188

3188. Moreover, for the sake of their convinced fantasy, others have desired nothing more ardently than death, such as those who hope for their own glory to fall in battle, and do indeed willingly fall for the sake of their convinced fantasy. Since these fantasies in the other life can be portrayed by women, therefore to someone who had been of this kind his fantasy was portrayed to him as a woman, whom he loved with deepest love, who was so ugly that never was anything uglier. 1748, 17 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3188

3188. Moreover others desire nothing more ardently [potius] than death, in behalf of their persuaded phantasy: like as those who desire to fall in battle, for sake of their own glory: these also willingly fall, for sake of the glory of their persuaded phantasy. Such phantasies can be represented in the other life by means of women: wherefore there was also represented to one who was of such a character, his phantasy, as it were a woman, whom he loved with inmost love: [yet] she was so hideous, that never [was anything] more hideous. - 1748, September 17.

Experientiae Spirituales 3188 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3188. Praeterea alii pro sua persuasa phantasia nihil potius cupiunt quam mortem, sicut qui pro gloria sua occumbere cupiunt in proelio; ii quoque suae persuasae phantasiae pro gloria libenter occumbunt; quae phantasiae in altera vita repraesentari possunt per mulieres, quare etiam uni qui talis fuit, repraesentata phantasia ejus sicut mulier, quam intimo amore amavit, quae tam deformis fuit, ut nusquam deformius. 1748, 17 Sept.

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