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《灵界经历》 第3189节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3189

3189. On those who arouse the urine

At times the urine has been aroused in me, and indeed, by spirits, as it is now, and I have been taught that it is done by those who are extremely urinous, or entirely against married love, and yet impelled by lust. When impelled by lust, these arouse heat in the urine, which also in other cases, as in mine, is aroused into lust. For they are connected, as may be well known to others by many indications. 1748, 17 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3189


(Sometimes my [apud me] urine was excited, and indeed by spirits, as now also [is the case]; and I am instructed that [it is done] by those who are exceedingly urinous, or wholly opposed to conjugial love, and yet are carried away by lust; who, when carried away by lust, excite ardency [ardorem] in the urine: which also on other accounts [alioquin], as in my case, is excited in lust: for that they are conjoined may be known to very many others. - 1748, September 17.)

Experientiae Spirituales 3189 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3189. De iis qui excitant urinam

Quandoque excitata est urina apud me, et quidem a spiritibus, sicut nunc quoque, et instructus quod ab iis qui summe 1

urinosi sunt, seu prorsus contrarii amori conjugiali, et usque libidine feruntur; qui cum libidine feruntur, excitant urinae ardorem, quod etiam alioquin, sicut apud me, in libidine excitatur, nam quod conjuncta sint, notum aliis permultis esse potest. 1748, 17 Sept.


1. The Manuscript has sume

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