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《灵界经历》 第3190节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3190

3190. About heaven being closed

By a spiritual mental image I saw clearly that when someone commits adultery, heaven is closed, namely, the inward regions that lie open toward heaven are closed, and he who commits adultery is thereafter only in outer ones. Thus to one who rejects the whole matrimonial debt, so that he does not know what it involves, that is, is not affected by the matrimonial obligation, when he commits adultery, heaven is closed. For the matrimonial debt involves what is heavenly and Divine, and the love of heavenly things - more with a woman than with a man. 1748, 18 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3190


I plainly saw in spiritual idea, that when anyone commits adultery, heaven is closed, namely, that the interiors which open towards heaven are closed, and that he who commits adultery is afterwards only in externals: so that he who rejects every marriage-duty, so as not to know its nature [quale], that is, so as not to be effected [tangatur] by the marriage-duty, that when adultery is committed by him, heaven is closed, because the marriage-duty involves the celestial Divine [principle] and the love of celestial [things]. [This is] more [the case] with the [a] woman than the [a] man. - 1748, September 18.

Experientiae Spirituales 3190 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3190. De coelo quod claudatur

Idea spirituali vidi manifeste, quando quis adulterium committit, quod coelum claudatur, nempe quod interiora quae patent versus coelum clausa sint, et qui adulterium committit, quod postea in externis modo sit: ita qui omne debitum matrimoniale rejicit, ut non sciat quale est, hoc est, ut non tangatur debito matrimoniali, quod cum adulterium committitur, quod claudatur coelum, quia debitum matrimoniale involvit coeleste et Divinum, et amorem coelestium; magis apud faeminam quam apud virum. 1748, 18 Sept.

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