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《灵界经历》 第3191节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3191

3191. On someone very famous in Europe, his quality

Someone very famous in Europe, namely, Gustav Adolph king of Sweden, so famous in his time, together with the rest of that family, spoke with me for several days. I could discern nothing else about him but that he was among lower angels. But later he was found to be such as I was shown, that is, I only noticed as he withdrew that his aura was full of adultery. As he withdraws this is perceived at once from his aura.

I was afterwards shown what he was like, for the highest of power was retained in his aura even in heaven. He was sitting on a horse, his expression as when he was in battle, or facing battle, without a hat, having the weapons of war, like a common soldier, looking like himself as to the face.

After this his quality was shown first by a small dog of yellowish color, which was turned into a cat; next by a fox with something like white froth withdrawing in the mouth; then also by a large snake; soon after by a sly animal like a small panther, which crossed over to the left side; a lion also then at the same time, out of the facial region, not well visible to me.

Afterwards it was shown how he had lived with women and whores, and at last filthily, so they said nothing could be filthier. This same fact tallies; from things I have observed concerning him that I pass by, as well as from his aura, I realized that he had been such an adulterer that he considered the marriage debt as nothing. 1748, 18 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3191


A certain [man] very celebrated in Europe, namely Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden [who was] so celebrated in his time; he with the rest of that family spoke with me, for some days; concerning whom, all that I could perceive, was that [he was] among the lower angels: but afterwards he was discovered to be of such a quality, as was shown me, to wit, that I first discovered his sphere, when he receded, to be full of adultery: as he recedes, it is immediately perceived from his sphere. Afterwards it was shown me of what quality he was, for he retains, even in heaven, the highest [summum] power, in his sphere, to wit, that he sits on a horse with his face [appearing] like as when in battle, or [going] to battle, without a hat [with no hat on], with the weapons of war, like an ordinary soldier, similar as regards his countenance [facie]: afterwards his quality was shown first, by a small dog of yellow color, which was turned into a cat: next by a fox, in whose mouth, a white foam was as it were running down [recedens]: then also by a great serpent: next by a certain deceitful animal [like] a small panther, which crossed over to the left side. Then also at the same time [was seen] a lion, from the region of the face, which did not appear plainly [bene] to me. Afterwards it was shown how he lived with women and harlots, yea, at last, filthily, so they said, nothing [could be] more filthy. In like manner, from the agreement of my observations concerning him, which I pass over, also from his sphere, I perceived that he was such an adulterer, as put no esteem on the conjugial [bond]. - 1748, September 18.

Experientiae Spirituales 3191 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3191. De quodam famosissimo in Europa, qualis

Quidam famosissimus in Europa, nempe Gustavus Adolphus rex Sveriae {a}, tam famosus suo tempore, is cum caeteris familiae istius, aliquibus diebus mecum loquutus, de quo nihil aliud percipere potui, quam quod inter angelos inferiores; sed postea talis repertus, sicut mihi ostensus est, nempe quod primum animadverterim sphaeram ejus cum recessit, quod plena esset adulterii, recedente eo, ex sphaera illico percipitur: postea mihi ostensum qualis esset, nam summum potestatis etiam in coelo in sphaera ejus retinebatur, nempe, quod equo insidens cum facie sua, sicut dum in proelio, seu ad proelium, absque pileo, cum armis bellicis, sicut miles ordinarius, similis sui facie: postea ostensum qualis primum per canem parvum coloris flavescentis, qui versus in felem: dein per vulpem in cujus ore alba quasi spuma recedens: tum quoque per magnum serpentem: mox per quoddam animal dolosum, [instar] pantherae parvae quae transibat ad latus sinistrum; leo quoque tunc simul e regione faciei, mihi non bene apparens: postea ostensum est, quomodo cum faeminis et scortis vixerit, et quidem demum foede, sic ut dicerent foedius nihil; simile ex iis quae observata de eo, coincidit, quae praetereo, tum ex sphaera ejus, quod talis adulter fuerit, ut conjugiale pro nihilo aestimaverit, percepi. 1748, 18 Sept.

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