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《灵界经历》 第3193节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3193

3193. And I spoke further with them, saying that it is the same as occurs with goodness from heaven-it is turned into evil in the world of evil spirits, and of course [variously,] according to each one's nature. And still more plainly, the life of the Lord streams into all, and yet in the world of evil spirits becomes so distorted that not a trace of life is observed, and again, with countless variations. In that darkness nothing at all appears, and yet to those who delight in such things, it appears as life's enjoyment, so they do not know whether or not it is life, when yet it is the outside separated from the inner content. 1748, 19 Sept. The spirits acknowledged this, and saw that it was so.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3193

3193. And I spoke further with them [saying] that the case is similar with good from heaven [which] is turned into evil, in the world of evil spirits, yea, according to each one's nature: and still plainer the life of the Lord inflows into all, yet in the world of evil spirits is so perverted, that not any vestige [trace] of life is observed, yea, with indefinite variety: in that obscure [principle] it does not appear at all; and [yet] indeed to those, who are delighted with such [perversions], it appears as the pleasant [principle] of life, so that they do not know whether or not it [is] life: and yet it is an external [principle] thus separated from internals. - 1748, September 19. This, spirits acknowledged, and saw to be so.

Experientiae Spirituales 3193 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3193. [vide 3192]

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