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《灵界经历》 第3203节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3203

3203. About nakedness of the head

There was one who longed for his head to be made bare, as is done with those from whom calluses are being removed [see 3155 and the passages there mentioned] and who then become baby-like-some differently, depending on their inward makeup. But in the case of the one who wanted this, when it was made bare his head appeared bare, bone-like, the color of a human face, and the spirits said he was inwardly the kind who could never pardon anyone who had once seemed to him to have done him wrong. So he would hold onto vengeance even until death, and as he himself admitted-unless an apology were forthcoming before the whole world, to avenge the honor of his name; but I perceive, not even then. 1748, 19 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3203


A certain one desired that his head should be laid bare [nudari]. This is usual with those from whom callosities [calli] are taken away, and [who] then become infantile. It is otherwise with some according to their interior constitution. But with him who wished it, when [his] head was laid bare, there appeared a bare, osseous [bony] head of the color of the human face; and spirits said that he was of such a nature interiorly that he could never forgive anyone who once seemed to him to do him harm, so that he retained vengeance till death; and in like manner the same [spirit] confessed that unless such excuse was made (intervened) [intervenerit] before the whole world, the honor of his reputation should be revenged; but I apperceive that not even then [would he have been appeased]. - 1748, September 19.

Experientiae Spirituales 3203 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3203. De nuditate capitis

Quidam optans [erat] nudari capite, ut solent quibus calli auferuntur [vide 3155 et loca ibi allata], et fiunt tunc infantiles, quidam aliter, secundum eorum interiorem constitutionem, at is qui id voluit, cum nudaretur, apparuit caput nudum osseum coloris faciei humanae, et dicebant spiritus quod talis is esset interius, quod nusquam alicui potuerit ignoscere, qui semel ei visus malefacere, ita quod vindictam retinuerit usque ad mortem, et sicut idem fassus est, nisi excusatio talis intervenerit coram universo orbe, ut honor famae ejus vindicatus esset; sed appercipio, quod ne tunc quidem. 1748, 19 Sept.

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