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《灵界经历》 第3210节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3210

3210. From one word a person's quality is sometimes recognized

All words are mental images, and one word means several things, also as homonyms. 1So in this way, too, it is sometimes revealed what a spirit is like from common words. For example, when it was asked whether someone was merciful, it was said that he was kiarsfull, 2which meant mercy. When it came farther on the way to my ears, I heard in the distance that he was merciful, then coming a little bit nearer, that he loved the sex, or women, which that same word also means; then when still nearer, that he was pitch-black, from kiara, 3thus that he was dark. 41748, 20 Sept.


1. Latin affinitates, i.e., in the sense of looking or sounding alike.

2. Swedish for "affectionate."

3. Old Swedish for tjara, "tar."

4. The Latin ater also means "gloomy, unfortunate."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3210


That all words are ideas, and one word signifies many things, is also [evident] by affinities: so that thus also may the quality of a spirit be detected. Sometimes, from the most general [things]: as when it was inquired concerning someone whether he was merciful: it was said that he was kairful, which signifies mercy. When [I had gone on] farther in the way, it came to my ears, [and] I heard [as] at a distance that he was merciful, further on [I heard] somewhat nearer, that he loved the sex, or women, which also the same word signifies, farther on, when nearer, he was pitch-black, from kiam, so that he was coal-black. - 1748, September 20.

Experientiae Spirituales 3210 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3210. Quod ex una voce quandoque cognoscitur qualis homo

Quod omnes voces sint ideae, et una vox plura significat, etiam per affinitates, ita quod quoque sic detegatur quandoque spiritus qualis est ex communibus[, didici]: ut cum de aliquo inquisitum num esset misericors, dictum quod esset kiarsfull 1

{a}, quod significaret misericordiam, cum porro in via ad aures meas venit, audivi ad distantiam quod esset misericors, porro aliquantum propius, quod amaret sexum, seu faeminas, quod etiam eadem vox significat, porro cum propius, quod piceus esset, ex kiara {b}, sic quod alter esset. 1748, 20 Sept.


1. The Manuscript has kiarsfull

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