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《灵界经历》 第3211节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3211

3211. About the excremental hell

The excremental hell is below the seat or buttocks, where there are many who are given human excrement to eat. They are those who, males or females, had looked to no other end than the various enjoyments of the body. One has been with me, bewailing her miserable lot. There was at the time a foul smell of dung. Such spirits are in outhouses. 1748, 20 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3211


The excrementitious hell is under the seat, or the buttocks, where are many, to whom human excrement is given to eat. They are those men and women [qui vel quae] who in the life of the body had nothing else, as an end, but the various pleasures of the body. One was with me; she complained of her miserable fate: then there was an excrementitious smell [foetor]. Such are in privies. - 1748, September 20.

Experientiae Spirituales 3211 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3211. De inferno excrementitio

Infernum excrementitium est sub sede seu clunibus, ubi plures sunt, quibus comedere datur excrementitium humanum, sunt qui vel quae in vita nihil aliud pro fine habuerunt, quam voluptates corporis varias, una penes me fuit, conquesta miseram suam sortem, foetor tunc excrementitius erat; tales sunt in latrinis. 1748, 20 Sept.

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