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《灵界经历》 第3214节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3214

3214. About a deceitful murderer, spoken of earlier [1863-1867]

For some time a deceitful murderer had been free in heaven, in a company of infernal spirits like himself, and when he was cast toward Gehenna, he seemed to fly about like a black body, or like an inanimate mass, and still- which surprised me-so much subtle poison breathed out from there that it aroused the deceitful and more deceitful sirens, who so sprinkled around and practiced their poisonous tricks, that it is indescribable. For it would take too long to narrate that history. Hence I was allowed to learn what those sirens are like who were later also with me.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3214


For some time, the deceitful assassin was at liberty in heaven, in the society of similar infernal [spirits], and being cast out to Gehenna, seemed to fly like a black body, or like an inanimate mass, and still, what astonished me, there exhaled thence so much subtle poison, that it excited the deceitful and more deceitful sirens, who so scattered [sprinkled] and practiced their deceits, that it cannot be described: for it would require a very long time to narrate that history. Hence was granted to learn the quality of the sirens: who also were with me afterwards.

Experientiae Spirituales 3214 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3214. De homocida doloso, de quo prius [1863-1867]

Aliquamdiu liber in coelo fuit homocida dolosus, in societate infernalium 1

talium, et is ad Gehennam conjectus videbatur volitare sicut nigrum corpus, seu sicut moles inanimata, et usque, quod miratus, inde exhalabat tantum veneni subtilis, ut excitaret sirenes dolosas et dolosiores, quae suos dolos venenatos ita spargebant et exercebant 2

, ut describi nequit, nam praelongum foret historiam istam narrare; inde quales sirenes, quae postea quoque apud me fuerunt, discere datum.


1. The Manuscript has infirnalium

2. imperfectum in the Manuscript

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