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《灵界经历》 第3224节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3224

3224. they still retain earthly elements that comply and are of service, thus considering the world of spirits as a body, just as the world of spirits considers the body of people on earth as their own, thus in [descending] order.

It has just been imparted [to me] that the things that appear to be left behind as garments are likewise portrayed with those who are becoming inward angels, just as it was once portrayed to me that clothes left behind in the left eye [see 2692-2693] were hidden away there. But when things not compliant or of service are called out thence one after another and are joined to the earthly things of the angels, this causes fermentation, and being let down from heaven, so that they may also be purged of those things.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3224

3224. but that they still retain such naturals as obey and are serviceable: thus regard the world of spirits as a body, just as the world of spirits considers the human body as their own. Thus [it is in] order, [so it is] now insinuated, that those things which appear left [behind], like clothing, be similarly renewed amongst [with] those who become interior angels, like as was once upon a time represented to me that garments [vestes] [are] left [relictoe] in the left eye [and are] there hidden; but that thence are called forth in order those things which are not obedient or serviceable, and are adjoined to the naturals from the heaven so that they may also be vastated as to these of the angels; hence [arises] fermentation and dismissal from the heaven so that they may also be vastated as to these things.

Experientiae Spirituales 3224 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3224. [vide 3223]

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