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《灵界经历》 第323节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 323

323. Spirits can smell odors, and those odors correspond to the spiritual life of [the deceased persons]

It is also amazing in regard to the dead after [earthly] life, that when it is so permitted, it can be clearly and perceptibly smelled what someone is like who has died; and when they had lived an evil life, then such an offensive odor is smelled from the corpse, that the spirits cannot stand approaching them. They have told me that it is an odor like that of a most stinking corpse, and that the differences between such odors or stenches are like those between spiritual qualities of their life. A stench of this kind has many times arisen near me, especially that of a decaying mouse, which corresponds with greed in its countlessly diverse forms.

These facts lead me to the conclusion that by the sign put upon Cain, an odor of this kind is meant, so intense that he could wander nowhere, without being driven away [Gen. 4:14,15]. For a similar thing happens in the other life, as I have been shown by much actual experience.

But such an odor is removed from everyone when they are brought to their own habitations, for if it were then present, they could not be received anywhere and stay. So they are admitted into habitations by being perceived in a different way, through the disposition of God the Messiah Alone. 1747, the 9th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 323


It is a remarkable thing that the dead after their [bodily] life, when it is so permitted, can clearly and sensibly smell the quality of a subject who is dead; and in the case of those who have led an evil life the odor then given is as foul as that smelled from a corpse, so that they cannot suffer their approach. They have told me that such an odor is like that of a most fetid corpse, and that there is a diversity of such odors or stenches as there is of the spiritual things of life. A similar stench has often been excited near me, and indeed that of a stinking mouse, which corresponds to avarice, with indefinite variety. From these things I can conclude that by the mark set upon Cain is meant such an odor so that there was nowhere that he could wander, because men would want to drive him away: for something similar occurs in the other like which has been shown me to the life by much experience. But such an odor is usually taken away from anyone when he is carried to his own habitation, for if it were then present, he could not be received anywhere and stay there. Therefore they are admitted into habitations by other perceptions which are disposed by God Messiah alone. 1747, Dec. 9.

Experientiae Spirituales 323 (original Latin 1748-1764)

323. Quod odorari queant spiritus, et quod odores isti correspondeant eorum vitae spirituali

Mirabile est, quod etiam mortui post vitam, etiam dum ita permittitur, possint clare et sensibiliter odorari quale id subjectum 1

est quod mortuum, et quum vitam egerunt malam, tunc odor tam teter e cadavere sentitur, ut non possint sufferre eorum accessionem; narrarunt mihi, quod talis odor sit qualis foetidissimi cadaveris, et quod odorum talium seu foetorum talium, differentia sit, qualis est spiritualium vitae; similis foetor multoties apud me excitatus fuit, et quidem muris foetidi, qui correspondet avaritiae, cum varietate indefinita; ex his concludere possum, quod per signum impositum Caino, talis odor intelligatur, sic ut nullibi potuisset vagari, quia vellent eum abigere [Gen. IV: 14, 15, 15], simile enim occurrit in altera vita, quod multa experientia mihi ad vivum est ostensum; sed talis odor unicuique tolli solet, dum ad suas mansiones fertur, nam si tunc adesset, nullibi loci potest accipi, et morari, quare admittuntur in mansiones per alias perceptiones, quae disponuntur a Solo Deo Messia. 1747, die 9 Dec.


1. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition Manuscript qualis mortuus id subjectum

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