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《灵界经历》 第3249节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3249

3249. Continuation about the bird, and about conviction

Afterwards there was someone from the lower region who ascended-whether through the feet, or the region of the loins, I do not know-inwardly into the body as high as the chest, filling up the body. At first it was his nature to bring on the persuasion that he would take away what was dearest to me by making me drunk. Soon, however, when he realized that he had not been able to do this, he persuaded that he was the Lord, convincingly, because this happens when spirits are speaking not from themselves but from the Lord. But still, I did not believe he was the Lord.

Because this was his nature, he took away the beautiful bird, which was then flying around me, so that he was taking away what was most dear, because so many desired it. But he soon let the bird go free out of his hand.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3249


(Afterwards, there was a certain one, who from below either through my feet, or through the region of the loins, I do not know [which], ascended inwardly in the body as high as the breast, and filled the body. At first he was of such a nature, as to induce the persuasion that he would carry away what was dearest to me, by what he caused me to think. Next, however, when he perceived that he could not do this, he persuaded [me] [introduced the persuasion] that he was the Lord, with persuasion [that it was so], because such is the case, when spirits do not speak from themselves but from the Lord. But still I did not believe that [he was] the Lord. He, while of such a nature, carried away the beautiful bird, which was then flying around me; so that he took away that which was dearest; for many then desired [it]; but he presently let the bird go free, from his hand).

Experientiae Spirituales 3249 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3249. Continuatio de ave, et de persuasione

Postea erat quidam qui ex inferiori, seu per pedes, sive per regionem lumborum, non scio, qui ascendebat intus in corpus usque ad pectus, et implebat corpus, qui primum erat talis, ut induceret persuasionem quod auferret quod mihi charissimum, per id quod 1

faceret me putare; mox tamen cum percipiebat hoc non potuisse, persuadebat quod esset Dominus, cum persuasione, quia tale fit cum spiritus non ex se sed ex Domino loquuntur, sed usque non credidi quod Dominus, is cum talis erat, auferebat avem pulchram, quae tunc circum me volabat; sic ut illud quod erat charissimum, quia tam multi cupiebant, auferret, sed avem mox remisit e manu liberam.


1. The Manuscript has quo

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