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《灵界经历》 第3278节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3278

3278. They appeared after this quite high overhead, saying they had found those with whom they can stay, so they spoke with me from there, showing me what the nature of their speech is, namely, a general one by means of the lips (after the manner of their speech they also moved my lips, in waves), as well as a particular one by means of a motion of the muscular tissues in the lips, an action I could feel only in a general way.

When asked whether or not they had faces, so that they could speak with the face, they did not want to tell at first, but feeling obliged lest their bearded man be offended, they showed that their speech extended from the lips toward the eyes, which symbolizes an extension toward the intellect. Later also they symbolize their gladness, or life resulting from the higher knowledge of uses by a streaming of their life into the eye, I think especially the left one. Such is their speech. Asked whether they had no articulated word, they replied that they do not know what the speech of words, consequently what articulated sound is. They know to some extent what sound is, for they speak with me through spirits, or through mental images, which come down into words with me. For their thought consists of mental imagery, as it does with all others, only it does not come down into words, but into those tiny motions of the lips, which comes to the same thing.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3278

3278. (They afterwards appeared above the head, quite high, saying that they have found those with whom they can be. So they spoke with me thence, and showed me the quality of their speech, to wit: [that] there is a general [communis] speech by means of the lips. My lips also moved according to the manner of their speech, in an undulatory manner; then, also, there is a particular speech by means of the motion [moving] of the muscular fibers in the lips, which I could only perceive in a general manner [communiter] to be so. When they were asked, whether or no they had a face, so that they could speak with the face; this they at first did not wish to say; but were compelled by this: that their bearded man might not be violated. They showed that their speech extended from the lips towards the eyes, which signifies extension to the intellectual [principle]; afterwards they also signify [their] gladness, or life from knowledges of uses, by means of an influx of their life into the eye, as I believe, especially [into] the left [eye].) (Such is their speech: it was asked whether they had no articulate voice. They replied that they do not know what is the speech of words, consequently what is articulate sound; [they know slightly] what is sound; for they speak with me through spirits, or by means of ideas which flow [labuntur] into words with me; for their thought is of ideas as amongst all others, only that it does not flow into words, but into such slight motions of the lips; which is the same.)

Experientiae Spirituales 3278 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3278. Apparuerunt postea supra caput satis alte, dicentes quod invenerint eos cum quibus esse possint, ita loquuti sunt mecum inde, mihi ostendentes qualis eorum loquela, nempe communis per labia, ad modum eorum loquelae etiam labia mea movebant, undulatorie, tum quoque particularis loquela per motionem fibrarum muscularium in labiis, quam percipere modo communiter potui, quod sit; cum quaererentur, annon facies iis esset, ita quod loquerentur facie, hoc non volebant primum dicere, sed adacti per id ne violaretur vir eorum barbatus, ostendebant, quod loquela eorum a labiis extenderet se versus oculos, quod significat extensionem ad intellectuale; postea quoque significant laetitiam seu vitam ex cognitionibus usuum per influxum vitae eorum in oculum, ut reor, praecipue sinistrum: talis est loquela eorum; quaerebatur num iis nulla vox articulata, respondebant, quod non sciant quid loquela vocum, proinde quid sonus articulatus, aliquantisper quid sonus, nam mecum per spiritus loquuntur, seu per ideas, quae labuntur in voces apud me; nam cogitatio eorum est idearum sicut apud omnes alios, modo quod non labatur in voces, sed in motiunculas tales labiorum, quod idem est.

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