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《灵界经历》 第3279节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3279

3279. Further, when I was beginning to doubt whether they had lungs as we do, by means of which we speak by articulate sound, they showed me by an actual experience how from their pulmonary organs, an aura or atmosphere comes down into the lips, namely, from about the inward locality of the thorax toward the edges of the thorax, and then upwards by a kind of bending into the lips, so that the lips are moved not directly by an inflow of mental images into the tissues, and thus into the motive fibers, but by this pulmonic breath or blowing from within. 1748, 23 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3279

3279. (Moreover, when I began to doubt whether they had lungs like us whereby we speak with articulate sound, they showed me by living experience how from their lungs flows an aura or atmosphere into the lips; for [it flowed] from near the interior locality of the thorax towards the circumference of the thorax, and thus upwards by means of a sort of influx of ideas into the fibers, and so into the motive [fibers], but by means of such internal pulmonary breathing; thus by an affiatus. - 1 748, September 23.)

Experientiae Spirituales 3279 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3279. Porro cum inciperem dubitare 1

num pulmones haberent sicut nos, quibus nos articulato sono loquimur, ostendebant mihi, quomodo ex pulmonicis eorum labatur aura seu atmosphaera in labia, per vivam experientiam, nempe 2

ab interiori loco thoracis fere, versus peripherias thoracis, et sic sursum per inflexum quendam in labia, sic ut labia moveantur non immediate per influxum idearum in fibras, et sic in motrices, sed per spiratum talem, sic afflatum, intrinsecum pulmonicum. 1748, 23 Sept.


1. The Manuscript has dibitare

2. The Manuscript has nem sic contractum

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