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《灵界经历》 第3280节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3280

3280. As for their attitude, they are even to some extent like those of Mercury, but in a lesser degree, namely that they do not want so much to publish whatever they know, so they are compelled, but only a little, thus in a lesser degree than the spirits of Mercury [3278]. They also extol themselves somewhat above others, but because they are elderly, not in a youthful way (they want me so to write it). They are, therefore, like the Spirits of Mercury, the memory, not of scattered matters, but of uses continued to the ninth use by stages. Consequently it seems possible to infer what their thinking is from the things said about the way of thinking of the spirits of Mercury [1428, 3233, 3258].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3280

3280. (As respects their mind [animum], they are also in some relation to those of Mercury, but in a lesser degree, to wit: that they are not so willing to spread abroad what they know. Wherefore they are restrained but a little, thus in a less degree than the spirits of Mercury. They also extol [exalt] themselves somewhat above others, but because they are ancient, not in a childish manner [they wish me so to write it]. They are, therefore, like the spirits of Mercury, a memory not of scattered facts [rerum], but a memory of uses continued progressively to the ninth use; hence it seems that a thought is, may be inferred from those things which have been said concerning the way of thinking of the spirits of Mercury.)

Experientiae Spirituales 3280 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3280. Quod animum eorum attinet, etiam in quadam ratione sunt quoque ut Mercurii, sed in gradu minori, quod nempe non ita propalare velint, quae sciunt, quare adacti sunt sed parum, sic in minori gradu, quam spiritus Mercurii, se quoque extollunt aliquantum super alios, sed quia antiqui, non pueriliter (volunt ut sic scribam); sunt itaque sicut spiritus Mercurii, memoria non rerum sparsarum, sed memoria usuum continuatorum ad nonum usum progressive, inde quae eorum cogitatio, concludi posse videtur, ex iis quae dicta sunt de cogitationis via spirituum Mercurii [1428, 3233, 3258].

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