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《灵界经历》 第3296节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3296

3296. Continuation about the inhabitants of a certain other world or solar system in the starry heaven

When their god whom they had worshipped, spoken of earlier [3267-3286], had become angry at being thus exposed to his spirits-having become angry, he was trying to harm me by his own methods, by throwing himself upon my head, and I do not know what other curses or magic tricks he tried, but what he practiced in his own way was felt. I was feeling something within me like air being breathed out. I told him that I know about how this is done, that is, how they breathe when they are moving the lips [3278], among other like tricks that I do not remember, telling him that he cannot harm me at all, seeking the while to sleep.

And then I fell asleep, and dreamed about my lost writings, 1and the fireplaces in which they were burnt up. Awakened from that sleep, I saw around me many spirits, also some who were of that earth, as well as good angelic spirits in midst of the crowd of them.


1. See the preface to Experientiae Spirituales, Vol. I, pp. xxx-xxxiii.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3296


When their god, whom they worshipped, and whom [I have mentioned] previously, was angry, at being thus exposed to his spirits, having become angry, he attempted to injure me, in his modes, by casting himself on [superinjiciendo] my head: I do not know the nature of his curses, or magic, but that he practiced them in his manner was felt. I felt something within me, like an expiration of air. I said to him, that I knew how this takes place, to wit, how they respire, when the lips are moved, besides other things which I do not remember. I said that he could do me no injury; meanwhile I sought to sleep, and so fell into slumber, and dreamed something concerning my lost writings, and the fire-places in which they were burnt. I awaked from that sleep and perceived around me many spirits, also [some] who were of this earth; then also, good angelic spirits in the midst of their crowd.

Experientiae Spirituales 3296 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3296. Continuatio de incolis alius mundi seu universi cujusdam in coelo stellifero 1

Cum deus eorum, quem coluerunt, de quo prius [3267-3286], iratus quod sic detectus suis spiritibus, iratus factus, mihi suis modis nocere tentabat, se superinjiciendo capite meo, et quales sive execrationes sive magias tentaverit, non scio, sed quid suo modo exercuerit, sentiebatur, aliquid intus in me sentiens, sicut aeris exspirationem, cui dixi quod hoc scio quomodo se habet, nempe quomodo respirant dum moventur labia [3278], praeter similia quae non memini 2

, dicens quod mihi nihil nocere possit, quaerens interea dormire, et sic in somnum lapsus, et aliquid somniavi de scriptis meis amissis {a}, et caminis, in quibus cremata sint: a somno isto evigilatus, percipiebam circum me multos spiritus, etiam qui istius telluris essent, tum etiam bonos spiritus angelicos, in media turba eorum.


1. infra caput apparet in the Manuscript manu B. Chastanier additum Vide prius n. 3267.

2. exitus illegibilis in the Manuscript
missing numbers'," pp. xxx-xxxiii

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