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《灵界经历》 第331节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 331

331. The beginning of jealousy that is seen in little children is most sweet

From an experience today, I learned that the apparent envy in little children toward other little children when in rivalry over the mother, arises from a most pleasant beginning, and from love, thus through heaven. For while I was being kept in thought about envy in little children, it was said to me aloud from heaven that they felt a heavenly sweetness, which varied according to the individuals.

From this one can conclude that the very passions and desires in a person all come from a heavenly starting point, and from Love Itself, therefore through heaven; but that on the way, outside of heaven, they are turned by spirits into something opposite, likewise by each person as receiver [they are qualified] by his or her essential form, and its variations with their changing states of mind.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 331


I have learnt today from experience that that envy which appears with little children towards other little children when they strive with each other for the mother, flows from a most delightful beginning and from love, thus through heaven. For when I was kept in thought concerning the envy of little children it was said to me by a living voice from heaven, that they perceived a heavenly sweetness, and this with variety according to the objects [which excite it]. Hence it can be concluded that the very passions and cupidities in man are all from a heavenly beginning and from love itself, thus they inflow through heaven: but that outside heaven, in the way, they are bent by spirits into things contrary. It is similar with every man as it is with an object, [the influx is bent] according to his essential form, and the variations of that form, and the changes of the state of those variations.

Experientiae Spirituales 331 (original Latin 1748-1764)

331. [Quod principium] 1

invidiae quod apud infantes percipitur, sit dulcissimum

Ab experientia hodie edoctus sum, quod invidia illa apparens, quae apud infantes erga alios infantes, dum aemulantur de matre, fluat a principio jucundissimo, exque amore, ita per coelum, dum enim tenebar in cogitatione de invidia infantum, mihi dicebatur e coelo, viva voce, quod perceperint dulcedinem coelestem, et quidem cum varietate secundum objecta; inde concludi potest, quod ipsae passiones et cupiditates in homine, omnes ex principio coelesti, et ex Ipso Amore sic percoelum influant 1

, sed quod in via extra coelum a spiritibus in contrarium flectantur, similiter ac in unoquovis homine, ut objecto, secundum ejus formam essentialem, et istius formae variationes, et harum status mutationes.


1. The Manuscript has De principio deletum ut videtur, sed emendatio haec omissa

1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has influat

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