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《灵界经历》 第332节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 332

332. It is similar to the way philosophic truths, which are in themselves truths, 1in each receiver or person, by application, are bent toward evil, or toward agreement with their desires. For people are apt to justify their desires by such truths, even to the point of convincing themselves.

Similarly also [they bend] the truths of the Word. From this heresies arise, and the attitudes that result from them, such as the condemnation of all who do not agree. 1747, the 11th day of December.


1. The manuscript has "varietates," where "veritates" is most likely intended, which we, like A. W. Acton, have taken to be the correct reading. There is a faint correction of the first -a- into an -e-, possibly done by the author, possible by Chastanier.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 332

332. In like manner they bend philosophical truths, which in themselves are truths, in whatever object or man, by application into evil, because into agreement with their cupidities, for they are accustomed to confirm their cupidities by them, even until they become persuasions in themselves. In like manner also are the truths of the Word bent: whence arise heresies and those things which flow from them, such as condemnations of all who do not agree with them. 1747, Dec. 11.

Experientiae Spirituales 332 (original Latin 1748-1764)

332. Similiter ac veritates philosophicas, quae in se varietates sunt, in quocunque objecto seu homine per applicationem flectunt in malum, quia in consensum cum eorum cupiditatibus 1

, illis enim solent cupiditates suas confirmare, etiam ad persuasiones in semet.

Similiter etiam veritates Verbi [flectunt], inde haereses, et ea quae inde fluunt, nempe condemnationes omnium qui non consentiunt. 1747, die 11 2



1. The Manuscript has cupiditibus

2. sic manuscript

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