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《灵界经历》 第3315节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3315

3315. whether they knew what it means that the woman's seed would trample the head of the serpent [Gen. 3:15], one of them said that it was he who had first said this. But because it was a society, they were told that the whole assembly said it jointly, and was awaiting the Lord about to come into the world, Who would save the human race. But before they were instructed, they did not want to allow that He would be born a human, but when it was said not from a man's seed, but from a woman's, and that He was not born from a man's seed, but from that of a woman, as the words also say-that the seed of the woman would trample the head of the serpent-then they acknowledged, albeit not easily, because they have that perception of a human born from the seed of a man.

They told further that from that time, they thought about almost nothing but offspring, so that their continuous delights were to love their partners on account of offspring, which was also shown to me by this, that delights of the whole body in wakefulness and in sleep

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3315

3315. for when it was asked them, whether they know what it signifies, that the seed of the woman should trample on the head of the serpent, one said that it was he who first said this, but because it was the society, they were told, that the whole assemblage [coctus] thus spoke, in general, and expected a Lord to come into the world, who should save the human race; but before they were instructed, they did not wish to admit), that he should be born a man; but when it was said that [he was] not of the seed of the man, but of the seed of the woman, and that he was not born, and of the seed of the man, but of [that] of the woman, like as also the words say: that the seed of the woman should trample on the head of the serpent, they then acknowledged, although not easily, because they have a perception of a man to be born of the seed of man. (They said moreover, that from that time, they thought of scarcely anything but offspring, so that it was their continual delight to love [their] wives, on account of offspring - which was also shown to me by this, that a delight of the whole body, in wakefulness, and sleep, occupied the region of the loins,

Experientiae Spirituales 3315 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3315. [vide 3314]

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