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《灵界经历》 第333节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 333

333. Souls of the dead carry with them from the world the character of the body

Souls of the dead carry with them from the body all of its characteristics - even to the point that they think they are in the body, dressed in clothes, and so on - and also its desires, such as an appetite for eating, and so on, so that the characteristics of the body are inscribed upon the souls.

The nature which they carry with them from the world and the body, they keep, but in the course of time it passes over into a kind of oblivion, so that they think they have put it off altogether, especially when they have become angels - this for the reason that they have been gifted with the ability to receive the mercy of God the Messiah. Then because of their accepting that ability, their former nature seems to be erased from memory, when nevertheless it remains.

For if it should please God the Messiah to take back His gift, and to place the angel back in his former life, then that soul becomes exactly as it had been before, when leaving the body - so every soul can be told that they lose nothing, and that nothing has been taken from them - but then they become wild animals and devils. 1747, the 11th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 333


Souls of the dead draw with them from the body all its nature, so much so that they suppose that they are in the body, clothed with garments and similar things, and they have also its cupidities, as the appetite of eating, and the like; so that the things that are of the body are inscribed upon souls. They retain the nature which they draw with them from the world and the body; but in the course of time this is, as it were, given to oblivion, so that for the most part when they become angels, they suppose that they have entirely put it off, for the reason that they have been gifted with the faculty of receiving the mercy of God Messiah, and on account of that faculty which they have received, their former nature seems to have been obliterated. Nevertheless, it still remains, for if it should please God Messiah to take back His gift and return the angel to his former life, that soul would then become altogether as he was before, when he left the body. Thus it can be said to each single soul that he loses nothing, and that nothing has been taken away from him: but then they become wild beasts and devils. 1747, Dec. 11.

Experientiae Spirituales 333 (original Latin 1748-1764)

333. Quod animae mortuorum secum a mundo trahant naturam corporis

Animae mortuorum secum a corpore trahunt omnem naturam--usque 1

adeo, ut putent se corpore [praeditas] esse, vestibus amictas 2

, et similiatum 3

etiam cupiditates, ut appetitus edendi, et similia, sic ut animabus inscripta sint ea, quae corporis 4

; naturam quam secum a mundo et corpore trahunt, retinent, verum temporis tractu quasi oblivioni traditur, quod 5

putent eam prorsus exuisse, utplurimum quando angeli facti, ob causam quod facultate recipiendi misericordiam Dei Messiae donati sint, inde ob facultatem 6

eam acceptam 7

videtur natura prior obliterata, cum tamen remanet, nam si beneplaceat Deo Messiae, donum Ipsius resumere, et restituere angelum in priorem ejus vitam, tunc fit ea anima prorsus ut fuit prius, dum e corpore exivit: sic unicuique 8

animae dici potest, quod nihil perdat, et quod nihil ei ablatum sit: sed tunc fiunt ferae bestiae ac diaboli. 1747, die 11 Dec.


1. The Manuscript has naturam, usque

2. The Manuscript has amictae

3. The Manuscript has similia, tum

4. The Manuscript has corporeis ut videtur

5. hoc est sic ut

6. imperfectum in the Manuscript

7. The Manuscript has accetam

8. The Manuscript has unuicuiquc

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