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《灵界经历》 第3328节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3328

3328. On the opposition of our earth's spirits to the spirits of Saturn

When the spirits of Saturn again came into view from afar, then the spirits of our earth, as if insane, were attacking them for a long time, for many hours, pouring in many wicked things concerning the Lord and faith, at which some were surprised because it kept on. But the reason was so that it would be presented before them how those who represent the outer sense behave toward those who represent reason. For the spirits of our earth reflect the outer sense, and today it is almost as if they were separated from all reason, and the spirits of Saturn reflect reason. In this way was manifested the nature of those who are opposed to reason, and the nature of those who are reason, hence that the former attack the inner person with continual affronts, for the inward person is reason. 1748, 25 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3328


(When the spirits of Saturn again came into view, at a distance, then the spirits of our earth, as if insane, infested them long, during many hours, by infusing many impious things concerning the Lord and faith. Inasmuch as this lasted [some time], certain [spirits] were astonished; but the reason was, that it might be presented before [them] how it stands between those, who respect [relate to] [referunt] the external sense, and those who respect the reason. For the spirits of our earth respect the external sense, and at this day are nearly separated as it were from all reason: and the spirits of Saturn respect the reason. Thus was manifested of what nature are they who are hostile to reason: thus what quality of reason they possess; consequently, that they infest the internal man with continual revilings; for the interior man is the reason. - 1748, September 23.

Experientiae Spirituales 3328 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3328. De spiritibus nostrae telluris contra spiritus Saturni

Cum iterum spiritus Saturni e longinquo in conspectum venirent, tunc spiritus nostrae telluris tanquam insani, diu per plures horas infestabant, infundendo plura, quae nefanda sunt de Domino et fide, quod quia durabat, mirati quidam sunt, sed causa erat, ut sisteretur coram quomodo se habent ii qui referunt sensum externum, ad eos qui rationem, nam spiritus nostrae telluris sensum externum referunt, et hodie fere sicut separati ab omni ratione, et spiritus Saturni referunt rationem, ita manifestatum, quales sunt contra rationem, ita quales ratio sunt, proinde quod [illi] continuis contumeliis infestent hominem internum, nam interior homo est ratio. 1748, 25 Sept.

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