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《灵界经历》 第3329节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3329

3329. The reason, as I now realize, is that when the auras of the outer senses, such as the spirits of our earth reflect them, sense the aura of reason, thus of the spirits who reflect reason, the former cannot bear them. There is a natural enmity when the outer senses are such, or when man or spirit is such, that they believe nothing but what they perceive with the outer senses, as may be well known. All here harbor a similar enmity toward reason, but they do not realize it except during temptations, because the reason yields as it were from afar, and the irrational takes over with its fantasies, to which they are joined. 1748, 25 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3329

3329. The reason, as I now perceive, is, that when the spheres of the external senses, such as the spirits of our earth respect [referunt], perceive the sphere of reason, therefore [the sphere] of the spirits, who respect the reason, that they [illi] cannot tolerate these [eos]. There is a natural enmity, since the external senses are of such a character, [that is] man or spirit believes nothing but what he perceives by the external senses, as may be known [to all].) (A similar enmity have all men in thin world [hic] towards [against] the reason, but they do not perceive it, save in temptations, inasmuch as the reason departs as it were to a distance, and the irrational [principle] succeeds with its phantasies, with which they are conjoined. - 1748, September 23.

Experientiae Spirituales 3329 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3329. Causa est, ut nunc percipio, quod cum sphaerae sensuum externorum, quales eos referunt spiritus nostrae telluris, percipiunt sphaeram rationis, proinde spirituum qui rationem referunt, quod illi tolerare eos nequeant, est inimicitia naturalis, cum sensus externi tales sunt, seu homo aut spiritus, [ut] nihil credat, nisi quod sensibus externis percipit, sicut 1

notum esse potest. Similem inimicitiam habent omnes hic homines contra rationem, sed non percipiunt nisi in tentationibus, quia ratio quasi e longinquo cedit, et succedit irrationale cum suis phantasiis, quibus conjunguntur. 1748, 25 Sept.


1. The Manuscript has percipit, sicut

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