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《灵界经历》 第3334节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3334

3334. But in the other life there are spiritual auras, so perceptible that it is recognized at once what a spirit is like who drifts up, whether he is thinking or not thinking. These auras are innumerable, that is, as many as there are spirits, and as many as there are societies of spirits. When there are many, the mixed collective aura of all [is revealed]. The angels recognize those spirits at once and what mixture there is, when the Lord grants that they discern them because of the aura. So there are innumerable auras of many.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3334

3334. But in the other life spiritual spheres exist so perceptible that at once is distinguished the quality of the spirit who flows by [alluit], whether he is thinking or not thinking. Such spheres are innumerable, to wit, no matter how many spirits, and how many societies of spirits, when many [are together], the quality of the general mixed sphere of all [may be distinguished]. Angels at once recognize them, and what the mixture [may be], when the Lord grants them a perception of their sphere, innumerable as are the spheres of many.

Experientiae Spirituales 3334 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3334. Sed in altera vita dantur sphaerae spirituales, tam perceptibiles, ut illico cognoscatur qualis spiritus qui alluit, sive cogitat, sive non cogitat, tales sphaerae sunt innumerabiles, nempe quot spiritus, tum quot societates spirituum, cum plures [cognoscitur] qualis sphaera communis omnium mixta: angeli eos illico agnoscunt, quae mixtio, cum Dominus ex sphaera eos percipere dat--ita 1

innumerabiles [sphaeras] quae sunt sphaerae {a} plurium.


1. The Manuscript has dat; ita

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