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《灵界经历》 第3335节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3335

3335. Today and yesterday I sensed an aura of disbelief, namely of those who do not want to believe any of the things said and seen, when I would be arranging the things seen under their general headings. In the world these are commonly called "skeptics," because they believe nothing, nor will they believe anything that is told about the other life, or about auras. There are many such people, and they derive from fantasies [this attitude] that they do not want to believe anything but what they see, or grasp by the senses. So as long as they are steeped in this incredulity, they believe nothing.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3335

3335. Today and yesterday I had a perception of the sphere incredulity, to wit, that [such spirits] wish to believe nothing of those things which were said and seen, when I arranged those things which were seen under their general heads. In the world these are commonly styled skeptics, because they believe nothing; nor will they believe aught that is said concerning the other life, nor concerning spheres. There are many of such a character, and they derive from phantasies, that they wish to believe nothing but what they see, or apprehend by the senses, -wherefore, so long as they are in such credulity, they believe nothing.

Experientiae Spirituales 3335 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3335. Hodie et heri percepta mihi est sphaera incredulitatis, nempe, quod nihil credere velint, ex iis quae dicta et visa sunt, cum redigerem ea quae visa sunt, in suos locos communes: vulgo dicuntur ii in mundo "sceptici," quia nihil credunt, ii nec credituri sunt quicquam [eorum] 1

quae de altera vita dicuntur, nec de sphaeris, sunt tales plures, et trahunt ex phantasiis, quod nihil credere velint, nisi quae videant, seu sensibus capiunt; quare tamdiu ii sunt in incredulitate tali, nihil credunt.


1. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

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