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《灵界经历》 第3345节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3345

3345. Today I saw an aura I had not seen before, during a conversation about the inhabitants of the earth Venus, namely, I saw an aura that seemed to be composed of mere human flesh, so that I perceived nothing else but a thorough humanity, although in general divided into distinct parts, thus [evidencing] human feelings, but not describable otherwise than as truly human. From this I realized what the inhabitants of Venus are like, namely inwardly human, but beneath the aura there was something animal-like that was not portrayed to me, but I was allowed to know about it by a perceptive thought, that is, what their outward qualities are like. 1748, 26 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3345

3345. I saw, today, a sphere which [I had] not [seen] before, while the discourse [was] concerning the inhabitants of the earth Venus, to wit: there was seen by me, a sphere, [made up] as it were, of mere human flesh; so that I perceived nothing else but a continuous [principle], [which was] yet discrete in general, [and] human; thus such a [principle] as belonged to [was of] human affection. But it cannot be described in different terms, than as being truly human. Hence I perceived the quality of the inhabitants, to wit, as inwardly human; but below the sphere was an animal [ferinum] [principle] not represented to me, but granted to know, by cogitative perception - thus that their exteriors are of such a nature. - 1748; September 26.

Experientiae Spirituales 3345 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3345. Hodie vidi sphaeram, quam prius non, cum de Veneris telluris incolis sermo, nempe quod visa mihi sphaera sicut ex meris humanis carnibus, sic ut non aliud perciperem quam continuum, usque communiter discretum, humanum, ita tale quod erat affectionis humanae, sed describi nequit aliter ac quod esset vere humanum; inde percepi quales incolae Veneris sunt nempe intus humani, at infra sphaeram erat ferinum non mihi repraesentatum, sed perceptione cogitativa, datum nosse; sic quod exteriora eorum talia sint. 1748, 26 Sept.

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