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《灵界经历》 第335节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 335

335. When the Psalms of David were read, they had such power in heaven, that some heavenly [angels] were struck with amazement

Several psalms of David were read, and indeed, in such a way that the inward and more inward levels of meaning were conveyed, by the mercy of God the Messiah, to the perception of certain heavenly [angels]. They were so struck with amazement as to declare aloud that they had never believed such things [were in them] - as did also those who were dead in the life after death, because the Word had similarly affected them.

In order that the difference could be observed, the meaning of the Word was brought to them just about as it had been in their lifetime when the same things were read, and this was so different that they had seen in it hardly any heavenly life at all.

From this one may infer what kind of power there is in the Word, when God the Messiah mercifully enlivens it; and what kind when the letter is as if dead, as it is when read by the dead. 1747, the 13th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 335


Some Psalms of David were read, and this in such a manner that by the mercy of God Messiah the interior and more interior senses were transferred into the perception of certain heavenly beings, who were so amazed that they declared with a loud voice that they never would have believed such things; even the dead, in the life after death, [were astonished] because with them also the Word operated in a similar manner. And in order that the difference might be observed, the [literal] sense of the Word was also brought forth for them, almost such as it had been in their life; when similar things were read, the sense was so different that they thence perceived scarcely anything whatever of heavenly life. Hence it can be concluded what efficacy is within the Word when God Messiah from mercy vivifies it; also what it is like when the letter is, as it were, dead, as when it is read by those who are dead. 1747, Dec. 13.

Experientiae Spirituales 335 (original Latin 1748-1764)

335. Quod Psalmi Davidis lecti, in coelo tantae efficaciae fuerunt, ut coelestes quidam non potuerint [non] 1


Lecti sunt aliquot psalmi Davidis, et quidem ita, ut sensus interiores ac intimiores ex misericordia Dei Messiae, in perceptionem quorundam coelestium translati [fuerint] 1

qui ita obstupuerunt, ut fassi sint viva voce, quod nusquam talia crediderint, etiam ii qui mortui in vita post mortem fuerunt, quia 2

apud eos quoque similiter operatum est Verbum; utque differentia observaretur, sensus Verbi etiam allatus est iis, qualis fere fuerat in vita, dum similia legerentur, qui tali differentia erat, ut fere ne quicquam vitae coelestis inde perceperint, inde concludi potest, qualis efficacia Verbo inest, quando Deus Messias ex misericordia id vivificat, et qualis dum litera quasi mortua est, sicut a mortuis dum legitur. 1747, die 13 Dec.


1. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

1. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has qui

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