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《灵界经历》 第3351节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3351

3351. How much the knowledge and intelligence of spirits surpasses that of mankind

Those coming into the other life are sometimes surprised that they are not gifted with intelligence beyond the human race, as they had conceived of the matter. But they do not realize what intelligence they possess, because they are in it, thus neither do the angels. For anyone who possesses a faculty does not know how much it surpasses that of others except by reflection upon others.

It was therefore shown to some of them how much they excel in intelligence in this way, that when I had written about thought, the Eustachian tube, and such subjects, and it was shown how they had understood those subjects in their life, it was granted me to find that they had not even had any idea of them except that they were matters entirely unknown to them - but that in the other life they would have such a mental picture of them as to know at once, though they had known nothing at all in the body.

So also in other cases, for in the measure of their capacity, all understanding is shared with them that belongs to others or whoever is present. 1748, 26 Sept. Besides which, spirits see the thoughts of man plainly, even the thoughts one has had since infancy, as well as one's intentions, so they know entirely everything one has.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3351


They who come into the other life, sometimes wonder that they are not gifted with intelligence above the human race, as they conceived; but they do not perceive in what intelligence they are, because, therein, neither do angels; for whoever is in a faculty does not know how much it exceeds that of others, except by reflection upon others. It was therefore shown to some of this character, how much they excel in intelligence, by this, that when I wrote concerning thought, the eustachian tube, and the like (it was shown how they understand these things during life; and it was granted me to know that they had not possessed any idea at all concerning these things, in the life and body, inasmuch as they were totally ignorant thereof; but in the other life, it is usual to have such ideas, so that they immediately know, although in the life of the body, they had not the slightest knowledge [thereof]. It is so in other things, also, for there is communicated to them, as far as capable of receiving all the intelligence) which belongs to others, and whomsoever is present. - 1748, September 26. Besides which, spirits plainly perceive the thoughts of man, and the thoughts which he has had from infancy: also his intentions, in order that they might completely know of all his things.

Experientiae Spirituales 3351 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3351. Quanta scientia et intelligentia spirituum prae hominum

Qui in alteram vitam veniunt, quandoque mirantur, quod non donati sint intelligentia prae humano genere, sicut conceperunt, sed non percipiunt in qua intelligentia sunt, quia in ea, ita nec angeli, nam quicunque in facultate est, non scit, quanta sit prae aliis, nisi ex reflexione ad alios: ostensum ideo aliquibus, qui tales, quanta praepolleant intelligentia, per id quod cum scriptum de cogitatione, tuba Eustachiana, et similibus, et ostensum quomodo intellexerint ea in vita, mihi datum scire, quod ne quidem ullam ideam habuerint de iis in vita corporis, quin iis ignota prorsus, at in altera vita talem ideam habere solent, ut illico sciant, tametsi in corpore ne hilum norint; ita quoque in caeteris; nam iis communicatur omnis intelligentia, quantum capaces sunt, quae est aliorum, et quorumvis qui adsunt. 1748, 26 Sept. Praeter quod spiritus cogitationes hominis percipiant manifeste, et cogitationes quas habuerit ab infantia, tum ejus intentiones, prorsus ut scirent omnia ejus.

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