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《灵界经历》 第3350节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3350

3350. I was shown that the smells of those immersed in outermost things are fields flowing forth from them. For when I was writing about how the soul governs all things of the body, and the will controls the muscles, in order to confirm that the Lord rules the universe [cf. 67, 1534, 1758-1760], then evil spirits of the lowest kind would think about nothing else but the lowest things of man-thus how the soul and the will controlled the anus and its excremental scourings. Hence arose an odor of dung, showing that such smells flow forth from them and are indeed their fields, whenever those smells are perceived. 1748, 26 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3350

3350. It is shown that the odors of those who are in outermosts, thus in filthy phantasies, are spheres flowing forth from them: to wit, when to confirm, that the Lord rules the universe, I wrote concerning the soul, that it rules all things of the body; and that the will determines the muscles; then, evil spirits, of the lowest kind [infimi] thought of nothing else than what were the lowest things of man, thus how the soul and will ruled the anus, and excrementitious wipings; hence [arose] an excrementitious odor, which also when odors are perceived, are the spheres belonging to them. - 1748, September 26.

Experientiae Spirituales 3350 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3350. Quod odores eorum qui in extimis sunt, ita in spurcis phantasiis, sint sphaerae ab iis profluentes ostensum; nempe quod cum scriberem de anima quod regat corporis omnia, et quod voluntas determinet musculos, ad confirmandum, quod Dominus regat universum [cf. 67, 1534, 1758-1[760]: tunc spiritus mali infimi nihil aliud cogitarent, quam quae infima essent hominis, sic quomodo anima et voluntas regeret anum et excrementitias extersiones, inde odor excrementitius; inde constare potuit, quod ex iis profluant tales odores; quae sunt quoque eorum sphaerae, quando odores sentiuntur. 1748, 26 Sept.

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