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《灵界经历》 第3358节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3358

3358. Continuation on the adulterous later descendants of the corrupted most ancient Church

These dwell under the earth, under a great rock midway in the deep beneath the buttocks, and there they remain in their dreadful fantasies against the Lord, treating the Lord in most cruel ways. About these wicked things I am not permitted to write. They are at a very great depth beneath the buttocks, laboring with their fantasies, and I am allowed and let in in order to hear this: it is an uproar that is heard, and also felt in both buttocks, causing them to twitch, as I now observe.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3358


(These dwell under the, earth, under a great rock midway in the deep, under the buttocks, and are there in their dire phantasies, hostile to the Lord, whom they treat in many most cruel modes; concerning which impious things it is not permitted to write. They are in the greatest depth [profundissimo] under the buttocks, and labor under their phantasies; and this is permitted and admitted to be heard. There is a tumult, inasmuch as it is heard; it is also felt in each buttock, being subject to slight motion [qui motitantur], as I now perceive).

Experientiae Spirituales 3358 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3358. Continuatio de prole adultera seu postera Ecclesiae antiquissimae perversae

Habitant ii sub terra sicut magna petra intermedia in profundo sub clunibus, et ibi sunt in suis diris phantasiis, contra Dominum, quem multis crudelissimis modis tractant, de quibus nefandis non licet scribere; in profundissimo sunt sub clunibus, et cum phantasiis suis laborant, et hoc permittitur et admittitur ut audiatur, est tumultus qui 1

auditur, et qui quoque sentitur in utroque clune, qui motitantur, sicut nunc percipio.


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