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《灵界经历》 第3360节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3360

3360. Some of them, quite a lot, were let in to work into me directly, but the Lord had arranged by means of intermediate spirits that they should do me no harm. Then from that depth, they came forward, as if through the rock, and seemed to themselves to be contriving for themselves a route toward the front through the hollows of the rock, and then upwards. This was only a portrayal of the Lord's arranging by means of spirits in between that they should do no harm in the higher realm.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3360

3360. (Certain of them, yea, many were admitted to operate on me in person, but the Lord disposed by means of intermediate spirits, that they should do me no injury. Then from that deep [place], they came in front, as it were, through the rock, and seemed to themselves to contrive a way towards the anterior [regions] through the caverns of the rock, and so [climb] upward, which was only a representation of the Lord disposing by means of mediate spirits that they should do no injury in the superior sphere.)

Experientiae Spirituales 3360 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3360. Quidam eorum, et multi admissi sunt, ut in me operarentur praesentem, sed disposuit Dominus per spiritus intermedios, ut mihi nihil nocerent; tunc a profundo isto veniebant antrorsum, sicut per petram, et moliri sibi videbantur viam versus anteriora per rupis cavernas, et sic sursum, quod erat solum repraesentatio dispositionis Domini per medios spiritus ut nihil nocerent, in sphaera superiore.

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