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《灵界经历》 第3362节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3362

3362. Good spirits kept on saying that [those spirits] are let in to work into the right part of the head, not into the left, and from the right part of the head into the left side of the thorax, but by no means into the left side of the head-in which case, they said, I would be lost. They were speaking about this for such a long time, as said before, to the point of weariness and irritation. I considered that it would do no harm if I spoke with [those spirits].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3362

3362. (The good spirits were continually saying that [these evil spirits] are allowed to operate into the right part of the head, not into the left, and from the right part of the head into the left side of the thorax; [but] by no means into the left of the head, [for if] so, they said that I would be destroyed [ruined]. This they were so long speaking, as was said, to [my] fatigue, and a sort of indignation, supposed if I spoke with them, no injury would result).

Experientiae Spirituales 3362 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3362. Boni spiritus continue dicebant, quod admittantur operari 1

in dextram partem capitis, non in sinistram, et a dextra parte capitis in sinistrum latus thoracis, nequaquam in sinistrum capitis, ita dicebant quod perditus essem, hoc ita diu loquebantur, ut dictum, ad fatigationem et quandam indignationem, putabam si loquerer cum iis quod nihil noceret.


1. The Manuscript has operarari

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