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《灵界经历》 第338节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 338

338. The intellectual activity of some consists of nought but mere offenses

It was foretold in the Word that offenses would come [Matt. 18:7, Luke 17:1], and indeed against the faith, or the truths of religion, which all regard God the Messiah. For [the truth] that He became a human being, spoke as a human being, and many similar ones, the earthly mind can never believe; therefore, even if one professes belief, yet still, on consulting the earthly mind, one falls into doubt and then into unspoken denial. The same process follows in regard to particular matters of belief, with the consequence, that the person's mental life consists of nothing but offenses.

Therefore, Only God the Messiah knows whether the life of people who completely deny God the Messiah, even to the point of blaspheming [Him], when they had been taught to do so from childhood, is worse than the life of those who had thought themselves well versed in the doctrine of faith, and had professed it, [and yet entertain such offenses]. 1747, the 14th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 338


It is foretold in the Word that scandals 1would come, and indeed against faith or the truths of faith which all have regard to God Messiah; for the natural mind can never believe that He became a Man, spoke as a Man, and many similar things. Therefore although man makes a profession of faith, nevertheless, when he consults his natural mind, he falls into doubt, and so into a tacit denial. This follows in the single things which concern faith, on which account his intellectual life consists of mere scandals. Thus God Messiah alone knows whether the life of those who altogether deny God Messiah, so that they even blaspheme, since they have been so instructed from childhood, is worse than that of those who have supposed that they knew the doctrine of faith, and have professed it. 1747, Dec. 14.


1. The word scandal (Latin, scandalum) is from the Greek meaning a stumbling-block or offence. See Matthew 18:7, Luke 17:1.

Experientiae Spirituales 338 (original Latin 1748-1764)

338. Quod quorundam vita intellectualis ex meris scandalis quam composita sit

Quod scandala ventura, praedictum in Verbo [Matth. XVIII: 7, Luc. XVII: 1], et quidem contra fidem, seu veritates fidei, quae omnes spectant Deum Messiam, nam quod homo factus, loquutus sicut homo, et plura similia, mens naturalis nusquam potest credere, ideo tametsi fatetur fidem, usque dum mentem naturalem consulit, labitur in dubitationem 1

et sic in tacitam negationem; hoc sequitur in singulis, quae fidem concernunt, quapropter vita intellectualis consistit ex meris scandalis, sic Deus Messias Solus novit, num vita eorum qui prorsus negant Deum Messiam, usque ut blasphement, quum ita instructi sunt ab infantia, pejor sit, quam eorum, qui putarunt fidei doctrinam nosse, et professi. 1747, die 14 Dec.


1. The Manuscript has dubitionem

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