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《灵界经历》 第339节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 339

339. About Mohammed, and the Mohammedans

Because certain ones of the dead at the entrance to heaven drew away angrily in search of a different heaven, so they thought, where someone other than God the Messiah reigned, finally they imagined they had found another heaven, one where Mohammed reigned (no doubt they had talked to Mohammedans who had died some years before).

When they were about to show this heaven to others whom they wanted to lead away, it appeared to me as if another so-called heaven in the depth was being opened, from which I could hear them speaking. I was then informed that they were Mohammedans who imagined they were coming there to their own heaven, to stay there. After I had spoken with them for a while, God the Messiah appeared to them in glory, through an Angel, whereupon they fell on their faces in devout adoration.

After this Mohammed was quickly raised up from there, and was present with me and spoke with me at length; and I can bear witness that when he had been instructed about God the Messiah, he spoke kindly - and more kindly than many Christians (I could feel that he was speaking as he was thinking), and he instructed those who were in the depth that he could do nothing whatever from himself, and that he realized that he was no God, but a simple man, and that certain spirits had chanced to speak with him. He also wants to be instructed in the doctrine of true faith.

I even showed him the city of Amsterdam and the Town Hall there 1from two sides, as well as inside, and he was amazed at the great number of marble works. He is now also present and affirms this fact. 1747, the 14th day of December.


1. I.e. the Stadhuis.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 339


Because certain of the dead who were in the entrance to heaven were indignant, they went away to seek another heaven, as they supposed, where another than God Messiah reined, and at length they seemed to themselves to have found another heaven, namely, one over which Mahomed reigned. No doubt they spoke with Mahomedans who had been dead some years. When they wished to point this out to others whom they wanted to seduce, it then seemed to me that another so-called heaven was opened in the depth, whence I could hear them talking, and I was then instructed that they were Mahomedans who supposed that they were come there to their own heaven, that is, to be there. When I had spoken with them for some time, God Messiah appeared to them in glory by means of an angel. They then fell upon their faces and adored devoutly. Afterwards Mahomed was quickly raised up thence and was with me and spoke much with me, and I can testify that when he was instructed concerning God Messiah he spoke modestly, indeed more modestly than many Christians. I could feel that he thought in like manner. He also instructed these who were in the depth that he could do nothing whatever of himself, and that he perceived that he was no god, but a simple man, and that perhaps certain spirits had spoken with him. He also wants to be instructed in the doctrine of the true faith. I also showed him the city of Amsterdam and the City Hall 2there from two aspects, also the interior, and he was surprised at the great number of marble [statues]. He is now also present and declares the same thing. 1747, Dec. 14.


1. The Mahomed here spoken of seems to be the same as the one referred to in Last Judgment (Posthumous) 71, and is not the Mahomed who wrote the Koran and founded Islam. See Conjugial Love 344.

2. The City Hall (curia) here referred to is the Stadhuis which is said to be one of the finest buildings in Europe. Its walls are lined with Italian marble and adorned with many marble sculptures.

Experientiae Spirituales 339 (original Latin 1748-1764)

339. De Mahumede, et Mahumedanis

Ex causa quod quidam 1

ex mortuis in ingressu ad coelum, indignati, recesserunt 2

ad quaerendum aliud coelum, ut putarunt, ubi alius regnaret, quam Deus Messias, et tandem aliud coelum invenisse sibi videbantur, ubi nempe regnaret Mahomed--procul 3

dubio loquuti cum Mahumedanis, qui ante aliquot annos mortui sunt--quod 4

[coelum] cum indicare vellent aliis, quos seducere volebant, tunc videbatur mihi aperiri in profundo aliud quasi coelum, unde eos loquentes potui audire 5

, ac tunc instruebar, quod Mahumedani essent, qui putarent ibi venire ad suum coelum seu ibi esse, cum quibus cum aliquantum loquutum est, apparuit iis Deus Messias in gloria, per Angelum, tunc procubuerunt in facies suas, et devote adorabant; postea Mahomed inde cito sublatus, et apud me erat, et mecum multa loquutus, et id possum testari, quum instructus esset de Deo Messia, quod modeste loquutus est, et modestius quam plures Christiani--sentire 6

potui, quod similiter cogitaret--et 7

is instruebat eos, qui in profundo erant, quod nihil prorsus ex se posset, et quod perciperet quod nullus Deus esset, sed quod simplex homo, et quod spiritus quidam cum eo forte loquuti sunt: vult etiam in doctrina verae fidei instrui, ei etiam ostendi urbem Amstelodamensem, et Curiam 8

ibi a binis faciebus, ac intus, et mirabatur, quam multa marmora, is nunc etiam adest et idem confitetur. 1747, die 14 Dec.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has quidem

2. The Manuscript has indignati recesserunt

3. The Manuscript has Mahomed, procul

4. The Manuscript has sunt, quod

5. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has audiri

6. The Manuscript has Christiani, sentire

7. The Manuscript has cogitaret, et

8. hoc est Stadhuis

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