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《灵界经历》 第3380节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3380

3380. On dreams

So that I might learn completely how dreams flow into those who are asleep, I dreamt things I do not remember, but finally that a ship was coming laden with delicacies of every kind to eat and drink, especially inside the ship things hidden from me. It had two armed guards, as well as one who commanded the ship. So there were three, the ship's commander and two bearing arms. The ship crossed over right into the room, then I awoke.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3380


(In order that I know how dreams inflow into those who sleep, I dreamed [dormivi, for somni avi, I think] things that I do not remember; at last, that a ship came with all manner of delicacies for eating and drinking, especially inside of the vessel, so as to be hidden from me, with two armed sentinels, together with him who was the captain of the ship: so that there were three, the captain of the ship and the two sentinels. The ship thus passed through into a chamber, so I awoke.

Experientiae Spirituales 3380 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3380. De somniis 1

Ut scirem prorsus quomodo somnia influunt in eos qui dormiunt, somniavi 2

quae non memini, tandem quod navis veniret cum omnis generis delitiosis quoad esum et potum, in navi praecipue, quae mihi recondita erant, cum duobus vigilibus armatis, et cum eo qui navi praefectus erat, sic ut essent tres, navis praefectus, cum duobus armatis, navis transibat sic in cameram, sic evigilatus.


1. post caput manu B. Chastanier apparet Vide etiam supra 3181.

2. The Manuscript has dormivi

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