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《灵界经历》 第3381节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3381

3381. When I had woken up, I thought about the dream, and then I began to speak with those who introduced dreams. They were above me a little to the front, and were speaking, saying that they introduced dreams, but I saw that it was done through them by angelic spirits round about that region where pleasure gardens appear. In order to prove it they even showed me many things while I was awake that they were introducing to others, namely to spirits who were sleeping, with whom I later spoke, and they acknowledged it.

Then I saw the things they introduced, and they were most delightful and of much variety, both things of inexpressible loveliness and also people, little children, adorned in ways that evade all description. In addition to these, I saw at the beginning some unknown tiny animal, which was dispersed like blackening rays that wonderfully spread around the left eye; besides other things I do not remember.

The spirits bringing on the dreams had a kind of loud sound, such as would be that of songs ending faintly in a similar sound. They also said that they could bring on dreams whensoever they wished, which, I suppose, they also did.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3381

3381. When I awoke I thought about the dream, and then began to speak with those who introduced dreams, who were above me, a little to the front. They spoke and said that they introduced everything, but I perceived that [my dream came] through them from angelic spirits, who were near that region where paradises appear, and that they showed me [those things]; they also showed me many things when awake, which they introduced into others, to wit, into spirits who slept, with whom I then spoke, and they acknowledged it. I then saw those things which they introduced, which were so delightful and varied, such inexpressible delights, and also men and infants so adorned that they can never be described; besides in the beginning a sort of unknown animalcule, which dispersed like black rays, they wonderfully spread around the left eye; besides other things which I do not remember. There pertained to the spirits inducing dreams, a certain loud [sonorous] sound, as if the song of certain at a distance, ended obscurely in a sound similar to so [loud] a sound. They also said that they could induce sleep whenever they pleased; which also as I believe they did effect.)

Experientiae Spirituales 3381 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3381. Cum evigilatus cogitabam de somnio, et tunc incipiebam loqui cum iis qui somnia introducebant, qui erant supra me paulo antrorsum, qui loquebantur, dicentes quod somnia introducerent, sed percepi, quod per eos, a spiritibus angelicis, qui circa eam regionem, ubi apparent paradisi, utque mihi ostenderent, etiam mihi vigili ostendebant plura, quae aliis introducebant, nempe spiritibus qui dormiebant, cum quibus dein loquutus, et agnoverunt; vidi tunc ea quae introducebant, quae erant tam delitiosa, cum varietate, tam amaenitates inexpressibiles, quam etiam homines, infantes, ita decoratos, ut nusquam describi possint, praeter principio aliquod animalculum ignotum, quod dissipatum instar radiorum nigrescentium [qui] mirabiliter circumfundebant oculum sinistrum, paeter alia quae non memini. Erat spirituum inducentium somnia quidam sonus sonorus, sicut e longinquo foret cantuum 1

desinentium obscure in sonum sonoro tali similem. Etiam dicebant, quod possent somnum inducere, quandocunque vellent; quod ut reor, etiam fecerunt.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition cantatum

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