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《灵界经历》 第3382节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3382

3382. It is imparted to me that the men and descendents of the old Church had had similar most delightful dreams, and thence, by a perception imparted to them as it is to me, [knew] what they meant; hence their Paradisal dreams and more phenomena familiar to that period. For they saw not only delightful things received an understanding, as I have so many times that I am unable to enumerate the instances, so as to know generally what they meant. That most ancient Church was therefore symbolic in regard to all things they had seen, so that they thought at once regarding the objects of sight, what they symbolized. For they were constantly seeing such things with innermost delight.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3382

3382. (It is insinuated that the men and posterity of the old Church, had similar most delightful dreams, and hence by insinuated perception, as was almost the case with me, [perceived] what they signified; hence their paradisiacal representations, and many things which were familiar in that time,) (for not only did they see delightful [dreams], but also received perception, like as have I so many times, that I cannot enumerate the times, in order that they might know what these signified in general, wherefore, that Most Ancient Church was a representative of all things which they had seen; so that from objects of sight, they thought at once what was signified, because they perpetually saw such things with inmost delight.)

Experientiae Spirituales 3382 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3382. Insinuatur, quod veteris Ecclesiae viri et posteri similia habuerint delitiosissima somnia, et inde, per insinuatam perceptionem, sicut apud me fere, [sciverint] quid significarent, inde eorum repraesentationes Paradisiacae et plura, quae familiaria erant istius temporis; nam non solum delitiosa videbant, sed etiam perceptionem ceperunt, sicut ego tot vicibus, ut memorare vices nequeam, ut scirent communiter quid significarent; quare Ecclesia ista antiquissima erat repraesentativa omnium quae viderant, sic ut cogitarent illico de objectis visus, quae significarent, quia talia jugiter videbant, cum intima delectatione.

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