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《灵界经历》 第3383节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3383

3383. On dreams

Moreover there was another who had thought evilly of me in bodily life (which I noticed because he had been speaking about it), even to the point of persecuting me, if permitted, to death. He was also determined to do so, and it was discovered that he would have killed me. That man was also dreaming, and his dream was then displayed to me, by which I discovered something about how he had been, and had attempted intercourse with a virgin in an outhouse. So indeed can those things be uncovered that people had done in the life of the body, manifestly as to all circumstances concerning places and persons.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3383


Moreover there was another, who in the life of the body, thought illy of me, as I apperceived, because he spoke thereof so that if it had been allowed he would have persecuted me to death; such was his purpose, and it was discovered that he would have killed me. He was also in a dream, and then was his dream represented to me, whereby was discovered how something had occurred, and how he had attempted connection with a virgin in a privy. Thus also may those things be manifestedly disclosed with all the circumstances, places and persons which [occurred] in the life of the body, [and] which they had done.

Experientiae Spirituales 3383 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3383. De somniis

Praeterea alius qui in vita corporis cogitavit de me male, quod appercepi ab eo, quia de eo loquutus, usque ut me persequutus, si licuisset, ad mortem, quo etiam destinatus erat, quique 1

detectus, quod me interfecisset; ille, quoque in somnio erat, et tunc ejus somnium mihi repraesentabatur, quo detectum aliquid quomodo fuerit, et tentaverit congressum cum virgine in latrina, ita quoque detegi possunt ea quae in vita corporis, quae egerant, manifeste quoad omnes circumstantias locorum et personarum.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition quoque

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