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《灵界经历》 第3384节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3384

3384. How the Jewish Church was

I was shown by experience how Leah portrayed the Jewish church, and Rachel the new one, specifically, that the Jewish church regarded the marital obligation as nothing, so that as far as that obligation was concerned, it was dissolved. This was shown to me by experience, and also by a spiritual mental image. The marital debt was such that as long as the sexual drive and adjoining delights lasted, she was the married partner, or wife, but when they no longer lasted, the marital obligation was dissolved so that there was none, and when it was dissolved, they considered adultery as nothing, and that they could then resort to whomever they imagined and wanted as a husband.

Such women were also punished most severely, one after the other, by inexpressible manglings, so that they might be brought back to their marital obligation. Afterwards I spoke with those above my head, and they were instantly breathed in all manner of thoughts opposed to marriage, namely, that many ought to have one man, thus hating monogamous marriage - among other things I do not recall and am not permitted to mention.

The same ones also brought on a weakness of the right eye, by which I was given to learn why Leah is described as weak in the eyes [Gen. 29:17]. 1748, 27 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3384


It was shown me by experience how Leah represented the Jewish Church, and Rachel the new [one], to wit: that the Jewish [Church] regarded the conjugial bond [debt], as of no moment, so that, as regards the debt, it was remitted; as was shown me by experience, and also by a spiritual idea. The conjugial debt was of such a nature, that so long as the venereal [principle] and its adjoined delights lasted, then there was a spouse or wife; but when these ceased, that the conjugial debt was remitted, so that they regarded it as nothing, and since it was remitted that adultery was of no moment; and thus that they could resort to whomsoever they regarded as, and desired to be, husband. Such [women] are also punished most grievously, one after another, by inexpressible manglings, in order that they may be brought back to the conjugial debt. I afterwards spoke with those above my head, and they immediately breathed in such things as were opposed to marriage, to wit: that many [women] ought to have one husband [man]; thus they hated the marriage of one wife; besides other things which I do not remember, and which it is not proper to mention.

The same [women] also induced a weakness in the right eye. Hence it was given to know why Leah is described as weak in the eyes. - 1748, September 27.

Experientiae Spirituales 3384 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3384. Qualis Ecclesia Judaica

Ostensum mihi per experientiam, quomodo Lea repraesentaverit ecclesiam Judaicum, et Rachel novam, nempe quod Judaica debitum conjugiale pro nihilo aestimaverit, sic ut quoad debitum, solutum esset, sicut per experientiam ut et per ideam spiritualem mihi ostensum, debitum conjugiale erat tale, ut quamdiu perstaret venereum et delectamenta ejus adjuncta, tunc erat quasi conjux, seu uxor, at quum ea non perstarent, quod solutum esset debitum conjugiale, sic ut nullum, et cum solutum adulterium pro nihilo aestimarunt; et sic quod recurrere 1

possent ad eum quem putabant et cupiebant maritum, tales etiam punitae sunt gravissime, una post alteram, per dilacerationes inexpressibiles, ut redigerentur ad debitum conjugiale; postea cum iis loquutus sum, supra caput meum, et jugiter inspirabant talia quae contra conjugium essent; nempe quod plures unum virum habere deberent, ita exosae conjugium unius uxoris, praeter alia quae non memini, nec memorare licet.

Eaedem quoque inducebant oculo dextro debilitatem, inde datum scire, cur Lea describitur quod debilis oculis [Gen. XXIX: 17]. 1748, 27 Sept.


1. The Manuscript has recurrere

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