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《灵界经历》 第3385节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3385

3385. Inward things, innermost ones even more, and supreme ones still more, are like the darkness of an abyss; then about higher knowledge of faith, appearances and fallacies.

I spoke with spirits who were ascending like an imperceptible cloud forward toward the side of the old Jerusalem, thus toward the left, whom they said were from the ancient Church, or the descendants of Noah - whether they were, I do not know as yet. They asked several questions, and received a reply, and wanted to ask some more profound ones, even most profound.

But when I perceived that they wanted to ask these questions, I was prompted to tell them that I do not answer such questions, for if they only wanted to investigate and to learn things belonging to inward or angelic spirits, they would appear to them as darkness, or something obscure and gloomy-still more so if they wanted to investigate things belonging to still more inward angels, which must appear dark to them. How then would it be with things most profound? if they tried to look into these from their own earthly light, they would go completely blind! For what would they be able to see in things that are most dark to them, when anyone who desires to do this would go completely blind? Therefore I do not want to reply to these questions, because I am not able, being only in bodily and earthly things, prepared in such a way that I may be able to serve those who are in such things.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3385


I spoke with spirits who ascended like an imperceptible cloud [nimbus] in front beside the old Jerusalem, thus on the left, who were said to be of the Ancient Church, or the posterity of Noah; whether they were, I do not yet know. They put several questions, and were answered; and they wished to make some inquiries as to the more arcane, yea most arcane things; but [when] I perceived that they desired to ask these questions, it was granted to tell them, that I may answer nothing to such [questions]. For if they merely wished to inquire and know concerning those things which pertain to interior or angelic spirits, these would appear to them like darkness, or an obscure and darksome [principle]; still more [would this be the case] if they wished to inquire concerning those things which pertain to angels more interior, which would appear to them as dark; what then [shall I say] of the most arcane things; whereby if they wished to view them from their natural light [lumine] they would be surely blinded; for what could they see in these things which were most dark to them; and he who desires it, would be surely blinded; wherefore I did not wish to reply to such things, because I cannot; I am only in corporeals and naturals; thus prepared so as to be able to serve those who are in such things.

Experientiae Spirituales 3385 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3385. Quod interiora, magis intima et magis suprema sint sicut tenebrae abyssi; tum 1

de cognitionibus fidei, apparentiis et fallaciis

Loquutus cum spiritibus, qui ascendebant sicut nimbus inconspicuus antrorsum ad latus Hierosolymae veteris ita ad sinistrum, quos dicebant esse ab antiqua Ecclesia, seu a posteris Noachi, num fuerint nondum scio. Quaerebant aliqua, et responsum tulerunt; et volebant quaerere aliqua quae arcaniora essent, imo arcanissima, sed [cum] 2

percepi, quod cuperent ea quaerere, dicere iis dabatur, quod ad talia nihil respondeam, nam si solum inquirere et scire vellent ea quae sunt interiorum seu angelicorum spirituum, apparerent ea sicut tenebrae, seu obscurum ut tenebrosum, magis adhuc si vellent inquirere ea quae sunt angelorum adhuc interiorum, quae ut tenebrosa iis apparebunt; quid tunc de arcanissimis, quae si ex lumine suo naturali vellent intueri, occoecarentur plane? quid enim in iis quae tenebrosissima 3

iis, videre possent? et qui cupit, is prorsus occoecaretur; quare ad ea respondere non vellem, quia non possum, sum modo in corporeis et naturalibus; ita praeparatus ut iis inservire possim, qui in talibus sunt.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition tunc

2. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

3. imperfectum in the Manuscript

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