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《灵界经历》 第3401节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3401

3401. I noticed at first that spirits who were speaking from their places in other realms were now unable to speak, that he entered into their fantasies, also into the fantasies of those spirits about whom I could not have thought such a thing. So they were saying they could not speak as they had previously - which I also heard. Thus he was entering into their mental images, and drove them by means of fantasies and also cast them by fantasies into other quarters, so that they were on the other side now in different quarters, and were speaking differently than before.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3401

3401. I first observed that spirits who spoke from their places in other spheres could not then have spoken; that he entered into their phantasies, and [the phantasies] of those spirits of whom I could not imagine such a thing: so that they said they could not speak as before, which I also heard; thus also did he enter into their ideas, and constrained [them] by means of phantasies, and also cast them into other regions by means of phantasies; so that they would be on another side; they were now in other regions, and spoke differently from what they did before.

Experientiae Spirituales 3401 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3401. Observabam primum quod spiritus qui in aliis sphaeris a locis suis loquebantur, nunc non potuissent loqui, quod intraret in phantasias eorum, etiam eorum spirituum de quibus tale non autumare potui, ita ut dicerent se non posse loqui, ita ut prius, quod etiam audiebam, sic etiam intrabat in eorum ideas, et per phantasias adegit et eos quoque in alias plagas per phantasias conjecit, sic ut ab altero latere essent, nunc in aliis plagis, et loquerentur aliter ac prius.

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