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《灵界经历》 第3402节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3402

3402. He did not want to speak, but when I thought, and imagined I was speaking with him, then he was having such fantasies that he was not at all thinking about the things I was thinking, as I was told - in fact contrary to my opinion, I noticed. But while I was thinking and speaking, he aroused all the people, or spirits, I had known. For they were not in the mental image of my thought, but only in the mental image of those who were attached not closely but remotely to my mental images.

In short, he raised up persons or spirits who were far away or far removed from my ideas, for a person's every mental image has with it not only places, but also persons, as if the persons were attached to them. On this occasion, therefore, when I was thinking, he was aware of nothing from my mental image, but the image of his fantasy was far away and in fact in the persons, as I have told, whom he was thus arousing - which is remarkable,

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3402

3402. He did not wish to speak; but when I was thinking, and supposed that I spoke with him, he then had such phantasies that he did not at all think concerning those things of which I thought: besides, also, contrary to my apperceived opinion; but when I thought and spoke, then he excited all men or spirits with whom I am acquainted: for he was not in the idea of my thought, but only in the idea of those who, as it were, were adjoin to my ideas, not next, but remotely; in a word, he excited persons or spirits who were far away or remote from my ideas: for every idea whatever of man's is accompanied, not only by places, but also persons, just as if persons were adjoined to them. Therefore, when I was thinking, they perceived nothing at all from my idea, but the idea of his phantasy was afar off, yea in persons, as I have said, whom he so excited, that it [seems] wonderful and incredible to others that it can so happen.

Experientiae Spirituales 3402 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3402. Is non loqui voluit, sed cum cogitarem, et putarem quod cum eo loquerer, tunc habebat tales phantasias ut nihil usquam cogitaret de iis, quae ego cogitabam, ut mihi dictum, tum quoque contra meam sententiam, aaperceptum, sed cum cogitabam et loquebar, tunc is excitabat omnes homines seu spiritus, quos notos habui, nam in idea meae cogitationis non erant 1

, sed modo in idea eorum, qui ideis meis quasi erant 2

adjuncti, non proxime sed remote, verbo, excitabat personas seu spiritus, qui ex ideis meis essent longinqui, seu remoti, nam unaquaevis idea hominis habet secum non solum loca, sed etiam personas, sicut nempe personae iis fuerunt adjuncti; tunc itaque cum cogitarem, ne hilum percipiebat ab idea mea, sed ejus phantasiae idea erat procul, et quidem in personis, ut dictum, quas ita excitabat,

(3403.) quod mirum et aliis incredibile, quod ita fieri potest; exinde concludi potest, quod spiritus sint, qui talia ex ideis allorum possunt excitare, quae nusquam novit cogitans, sicut confirmatum mihi est ab iis prius, qui excrementa videbant, cum non attenderem [2843] quod alii spiritus sint, qui 3

excitant ex quacunque idea talia quae iis et eorum naturae conformia sunt, quod prius saepe observatum, quare spiritus dantur, qui omnia quaecunque sunt in idea hominis, excitant, quidam proxima, quidam remotiora, quidam remotissima, quidam etiam consequentia; hic talis erat, ut solum homines mihi notos et sic ex idea fluentes, et remotos excitaret: non autem proximos hoc est eos, quos ego cogitabam.


1. The Manuscript has erat

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has erat

3. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has quae

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